Snow Moon:The full moon of February. At this time the northeastern regions can give up their heaviest of snowfalls. This full moon is also called the hunger or hungry moon because the grips of winter can make it another lean month for the belly of both man and beast. See alsoFebruary M...
The Apollo 11 moon landing went down in history as a pinnacle of scientific and technological achievement, but that doesn't stop people from thinking it was fake. Decades after Neil Armstrong's historic small step for man and giant leap for mankind, myths continue to revolve around the moon ...
I knew a nephew of his, Mickey Birdy, well. But I never heard the story until it featured some years ago in the RTÉ radio documentary entitled, with only slight overstatement: “The man in the moon’s from Carrickmacross.” Alas, none of this helped...
Native Americans noted pink wildflowers emerging around the time of the April full moon. The flowers' hue gave rise to the moniker "pink moon." May 5: Flower Moon (Milk Moon, Planting Moon) April showers bring May flowers, so May is a time of lush revitalization across North America. Ju...
On the plains northwest of Tulsa, Oklahoma, where oil rigs outnumber the bison, lies a stain so dark, it makes the crude look crystal-clear – a tragically-true tale of man's inhumanity to man that's hitting the big screen this week. ...
1858–1914), a former cowboy, produced a series of popular stories told by the “Old Cattleman.” Stephen Crane created a comic classic of the genre with “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky” (1898), and Conrad Richter (1890–1968) wrote a number of stories and novels of the Old Southwes...
Theman in the moon"fancied semblance of a man seen in the disk of the full moon" is mentioned since early 14c.; he carries a bundle of thorn-twigs and is accompanied by a dog. Some Japanese, however, see a rice-cake-making rabbit in the moon. Theold moon in the new moon's arms...
it's a gut punch. When the word 'atrocity' needs to be explained this has to be a prime example. This is about pure innocence against pure evil and an incredibly unfortunate example of how the white man has ruined the land and the indigenous people of this country. On top of the powe...
Manindranath Roy Manmohan Singh Mao Zedong Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcher's Revolution Maritime Law Martin Buber Martin Luther King Jr Martin Ricketts Marx and Engels Marxist theory Masculinity and femininity Massachusetts Institute of Technology Master and Servant Law Mathematical...
Have you ever noticed the rabbit in the moon? Are you familiar with the Moon Rabbit (or Jade Rabbit as it's sometimes called)? "The Moon Rabbit In Legend and Culture" is dedicated to that big bunny pounding away in its pestle!