CrowMoon orMagpieMoon: The Native American full moon names for March are largely based on these being considered the last full moons of winter; the crow caws its farewell to the season. Also known as the Worm Moon because they start to surface at this time, also signaling retreat of winte...
Native American Myths & Folktales Lesson Plan Native American Literature Lesson Plan Native American Oral Tradition Lesson Plan Native American Oral Tradition | Mythology & Synthesis 6:27 Native American Creation Myths | Stories & Beliefs 6:13 Native American Gods | Mythology, Names & Functio...
A number of Native American myths explain how death came into the world, usually to prevent the earth from becoming overcrowded. The Shoshone people say that long ago Wolf and Coyote got into an argument. Wolf said that people could be brought back to life after they died. Coyote argued tha...
Myth 2 When the Earth was young it had a family. The moon, or Grandmother and the sun, called Grandfather. The Earth was a woman - Mother Earth - because from her came all living things. Mother Earth was given four directions - East, South, West, and North, each with physical and s...
Compiled by Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated January 2025. Also See: Native American Facts & Trivia Native American Quotes – Great Words From Great Americans Legends, Myths & Tales of Native Americans Native American Photographs Totems & Their MeaningsShare...
You can learn more about the early farmers of the desert from the Woodbury and Zubrow paper (the major source for this article) and from Gordon R. Willey’s An Introduction to American Archaeology, Volume One, and Polly Schaafsma’s Indian Rock Art of the Southwest....
Several South American tribes place a great deal of significance on origin myths, despite their differences in specifics. These myths tell the story of the birth and demise of succeeding planets as well as the beginnings and end of the first world. ...
The whole concept of the world, ormythologyof each tribe, enters to a very great extent into their religious concepts and activities. The mythologies are highly specialized in different parts of North America; and, although a large number of myths are the common property of many American tribes...
Although his political allegiances were becoming more conservative, Ford was becoming more direct and questioning about who could be considered American and what the country could mean to them were becoming more pointed. He would soon construct creation myths for African-Americans (Sergeant Rutledge, ...
Major Themes and Myths. The Maya believed that creation was related to divination and magic, and they often referred to their heroes and creator gods as diviners. The men and women who practiced divination regarded it as a form of creation similar to the divine miracle that produced the ...