Monsters, Inc. is a 2001 computer-animated film and the fourth feature-length buddy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich and David Silverman, and was written by Jack W. Bunting, Jill
The connection with the epilogue is seen in "It's Laughter They're After", which recreates the scene to further tie Season 1's events to the film. Boo is not brought back to the series as the creators wished to keep her relationship with Sulley following the events of the first movie...
Monsters University is the first Pixar film that used global illumination, a new lighting system introduced as part of the overhaul of the rendering system used since the first Toy Story film. In the planning stage of the film, director of photography, Jean-Claude Kalache, asked: "What if we...
This was popularized by the Universal Pictures film The Wolf Man starring Lon Chaney. It was after this movie that all of our werewolves stand like men and only change on the full moon. Since then there have been many amazing films, as well as not so great ones, that continue our love...
Giant Monsters, which include daikaiju or kaiju and what the U.S. monsterverse refer to as titans, are gigantic monsters that are hundreds of feet tall, these creatures have been both terrorizing and helping people for decades to centuries to aeons.
Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.0 The Drow are dark elves and one of the most feared races of the D&D universe. Not only are they a pain to do battle with, but their cunning and intelligence makes warring against them a veritable chess game of drawn-out violence and horror. ...
The Manticore is a mythological beast with the head of a man, the body of a lion, and dragon wings. It's a classic monster from D&D, and it's never a creature you're happy to encounter. The Manticore throws spikes at your characters, and it deals out poison damage which can affect...
“Dahmer” was a massive smash for the streamer when it debuted in September 2022, and it seems an all-too-safe bet that the follow-up — full of powerful performances, intense subject matter, and WTF-worthy details that will send viewers down a wiki rabbit hole — will be much the sam...
Scary Monsters's main ability is to infect other living beings with a virus that transforms them into theropod dinosaurs[3]of varying sizes depending on the size of the original being, and also allows the user to control them.[1] The user needs only to touch a victim to begin the transfo...
a book entirely in Regency English has me a little strapped creatively. I'm hoping to bring you some interviews soon, but everyone has been swamped with film festivals and travel, and so I decided to bring in Entertainment Earth's Geek Girl Diva for a discussion on the State of Geekdom....