Monsters of Man: Directed by Mark Toia. With Neal McDonough, Brett Tutor, Jose Rosete, David Haverty. A US weapons manufacturer tests its 4 killer robots on heroin producers in the Golden Triangle in SEAsia. It goes haywire.
Monsters of Man: Directed by Mark Toia. With Neal McDonough, Brett Tutor, Jose Rosete, David Haverty. A US weapons manufacturer tests its 4 killer robots on heroin producers in the Golden Triangle in SEAsia. It goes haywire.
英文片名:Monsters of Man為了拿下一項軍事標案,一家AI機器人製造商買通一名中央情報局探員,進行了一場未授權的非法武裝軍事行動。他們將四個AI機器人原型放進亞洲金三角地區進行測試,這場非法軍事行動原為測試AI機器人穩定性,但卻系統失控導致無辜居民遭到殺害。
正式海报 853x1280 正式海报 1200x1800 正式海报 美国 1349x1687 正式海报 美国 800x1000 正式海报 中国大陆 503x755 正式海报1回应 666x1000 正式海报 666x1000 正式海报 800x1000 预告海报 600x900 预告海报1回应 1502x1752 其他海报 1570x2008
Monsters of Man (2020) 7/10 What an excellent, excellent movie! 11 December 2020 This is a slam bang, action-packed, thrilling, roller coaster ride of a movie!Believe it or not, this movie did not come out of a major US motion picture studio. It was crowdfunded! It's actually an ...
游戏视频:MONSTERS OF MAN (2020) Trailer 2 NEW 4K Ultra HD - Sci-Fi Action Movie_1080p
Mark Toia/Monsters of Man “I wanted to do a movie under my own rules with no one telling me how I should make it,” he says. “If you are lucky enough to be able to self-fund your own film then you can create in a whole different way. Decision making is a lot quicker since ...
Monsters of Cock (2003) Isis Love Actress 1 Whipped Ass (2001) Kiki D'Aire Actress 1 The Tits That Saved XXX-mas (2003) Missy Monroe Actress 1 Baker's Dozen 2 (2004) Loni Punoni Actress 1 No Man's Land: Asian Edition 4 (2002) Veronika Raquel Actress 1 Veroni...
Movie Skillz left in him to design weapons and traps the monster doesn’t expect. So they fight, mano y monstero – and the monster totally gets into it, whipping off his helmet and roaring at Dutch during their final confrontation in what is essentially a man/monster dick-measuring ...
Joining Team Godzilla shows your devotion to the King of Monsters - an acnient guardian of Earth's natural balance. By joining this team you support a world where we as Mankind work alongside Godzilla to repel and defeat any threats which act to oppose t