Sully and Mike (voiced by John Goodman and Billy Crystal) are employees at Monsters Inc., a scream-fueled plant that provides power to Monsteropolis. Screams are generated by 'scarers' (and Sully is the best), who enter children's bedrooms via the closet and are harvested by their partner...
James P Sullivan Monster Inc|Cartoon Movie Monster|High-Quality Material:Crafted from premium plush and filled with soft PP cotton for a cuddly, durable Sulley. Versatile Decoration:Perfect for baby rooms or as a charming addition to any Disney-themed space. ...
Monsters, Inc. is a 2001 computer-animated film and the fourth feature-length buddy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich and David Silverman, and was written by Jack W. Bunting, Jill
What did boo call Sully? When she first appears, Boo is very attached to Sulley (calling him"Kitty"), but he isn't so keen. But as the film progresses, he develops a bond with her. At one point, Sulley, under Mr. Is Boo in Toy Story 4?
FromGood Smile. From Pixar Studios'Monsters, Inc.comes a Nendoroid ofSully! This DX version comes with three different face plates to switch between and also features movable eyebrows and eyes allowing for all sorts of possible facial expressions. His head, arms and legs are also all articulated...
It's like the scares Sully and Mike spring on those sleeping tykes: technically impressive but a job un-anchored to anything more meaningful." Claudia Puig of USA Today gave the film three stars out of four, and said it "may not be as inventive as Inc., but it's an amusing and ...
Sulley attempts to set up and activate the door, and when Waternoose follows them through the door, he tells Sully he is willing to kidnap children in order to save the company. However, Sully had not properly activated Boo's door, causing the three to actually wind up in the adjacent ...
Continuity mistake:When Mike is bringing Sully to the fixed door he has no slivers or band-aids on his hands, then when he says "it was a lot of wood to go through" you see he does.(01:24:10) 10 Continuity mistake:After the Scare Floor shuts down at 6:00 and Sulley goes back ...
Monsters, Inc. Scream Team: Con Carlos Alazraqui, Steve Buscemi, James Coburn, Brian Cummings. In order to become top scarers, Mike and his best friend Sulley have to go to Scare Island for training.
I made themonsters inc birthday invitationsfrom solid cardstock. The front Mike Wazowski side was lime green with a giant 2” eyeball and sharpie drawn smile. The Sully back was a teal blue I glued to the front back. Then printed the information on purple paper that I cut into spots, cut...