Monsters, Inc. is a 2001 computer-animated film and the fourth feature-length buddy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich and David Silverman, and was written by Jack W. Bunting, Jill
Monsters University is the untold story of how Mike and Sulley went from being bitter rivals to being best friends. PlotThe movie opens with 6-year-old monster Michael "Mike" Wazowski on a school field trip to Monsters, Inc., a scaring company. At Monsters Inc., the class meets Frank ...
Becoming a talented mechanic on the Monsters, Inc. Facilities Team while working on honing his comedy skills, he eagerly dreams of working on the Laugh Floor alongside Mike and Sulley. In the second season, after having achieved this goal, Tuskmon develops doubts over his abilities to be a...
Prima di andarsene, Mike e Sulley salutano i loro amici dell'OK e scoprono che Tritamarmo li ha ammessi al corso di spavento. Salutato anche Sulley, Mike lascia l'università, conscio di non saper spaventare, ma Sulley lo ferma e gli spiega che senza il suo aiuto non sarebbe mai di...