近日Monster Hunter: World 連續五星期舉行不同季節的活動之外,更把所有限時的活動任務開放給玩家,好讓玩家在Monster Hunter World: Iceborne推出之前,回收過去只能透過活動任務才可製作的武器、裝備和外觀裝備系列,為了方便回歸的玩家檢閱,現在把所有一般魔物以外,跟活動任務、鬥技大會、挑戰任務、別作品聯乘相關的武器、...
【Young Hunter】Ran Bell● Hunting Heroine In order to support her family after her father passed away - this young woman of Elle Eela decided to hunt in his place. She is often accompanied by her partner Roboro catching prey and beasts in the forest. At first it was an existence ...