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In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
Database 防具 稀有度1稀有度2稀有度3稀有度4 稀有度5稀有度6稀有度7稀有度8 稀有度9稀有度11稀有度12稀有度10 怪物 冥灯龙 冥赤龙 冰呪龙 冰牙龙 冰鱼龙 凶爪龙 古代鹿首精 土砂龙 大痹贼龙 大贼龙 天地煌啼龙 尸套龙 岩贼龙 恐暴龙 惨爪龙 ...
Monster Hunter: World Developers Capcom Digital Works Entertainment Access Games Playerium XPEC Entertainment Engines MT Framework Release dates WindowsAugust 9, 2018 Reception Metacritic88 OpenCritic90 IGDB93 Taxonomy MonetizationDLC,Expansion pack
Prior to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Tigrex would assume a bipedal gait while idle, standing only upon its hind legs while holding its forelimbs to its sides. When threatened or engaging prey, however, it would stand up on all fours and ready itself for combat. As of Iceborne, Tigrex...
Welcome to the Monster Hunter: World wiki! This wiki is designed to be your one-stop shop for all information on Monster Hunter: World and its modding scene. Much of the content here is created by you, the users. If you want to contribute, log in using your Nexus Mods account and sta...
Monster Hunter Wiki 36,273 pages Wiki Article Gaismagorm Gaismagorm is an Elder Dragon first introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Gaismagorm is a massive Elder Dragon similar in size and structure to Gogmazios, though seemingly with a more pseudowyvern-like gait. Its back legs appear...
《Monster Hunter: World》的世界将因为超大型游戏内容扩展包《Monster Hunter World: Iceborne》而进一步扩大。
Welcome to the Monster Hunter World Wiki & Strategy Guide! This hub page contains links to all Monster Hunter World guides and general game info. Desktop users can find a navigation bar on the left, and mobile users a navigation menu at the bottom that links all pages in an easy to use...
The Slinger is a tool used by Hunters in Monster Hunter: World. The Slinger is an indispensable tool for a hunter, allowing you to arm yourself with stones and nuts that can be gathered from each locale. From diversion tactics to creating shortcuts, the