One thing that got us excited, though, is the leaks that came with it. Keen-eyed Monster Hunter players were busily data-mining the game during its PC release and found interesting fan-favorite names. SPOILERS BEWARE. Credit: CAPCOM Reddit users from r/GamingLeaksAndRumours have compiled this...
Chomp Gene (M) Power Wild Fang 10 Medium non-elemental damage to one Yes Power++ LagiacrusFulgur Anjanath Rock Gene (S) Power Rock Stampede 8 Light non-elemental damage to one Yes Power++ Kulu-Ya-Ku Dash Gene (S) Power Ground Tremor 16 Light non-elemental damage to all No Power++ Apto...
Monster Hunter World x The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt In the past 10 years, I'd suggest that there are only 2 or 3 game ... Read More Apex Legends Anyone that knows me, knows that they could utter either "Titanfall" or "Battle Royale" and ... Read More Anthem: VIP Demo Anthem isn't ...
After the release of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, not only have more players joined the MH community but also questions about "why my Monster Hunter save disappeared" have emerged in many forums like Reddit. If you can't find any data on the Monster Hunter Rise Save File location, the ...
Hate to break it to you but I have a 7900 XTX and I crash all the time in Monster Hunter Rise with D3d 12 I just got the build yesterday so I have not had time to tinker but I can get it stable at Normal Graphic settings locked at 60FPS... kind of sad. https:... All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoe...
How to unlock the Giant Crown Master achievement in Monster Hunter: World: Obtain a gold crown for many monsters in your hunting log
· Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital De 分享386 极云普惠云电脑吧 酒浓祝你 Steam周销量排行榜:《毁灭战士:永恒》卫冕成功Steam周销量排行榜: 1:《毁灭战士:永恒(DOOM Eternal)》 2:《半条命:Alyx》(新晋) 3:《GTA5》(↑5) 4:Valve Index VR Kit(新晋) 5:《巫师3:狂猎(The Witcher 3: Wild ...
analyst and known tipster Daniel Ahmad cheekily tweeted, "Don't forget to rise early for this one" in regards to today's Nintendo Mini Partner Direct. This Direct would be the perfect place to reveal a new Monster Hunter, and Ahmad's tweet came just minutes after the above Reddit leak. ...
How much has social media swayed people? How much difference does controlling the narrative and hiding inconvenient truths (hey Hunter come get your laptop!) make? How many points is that worth in an election? And most importantly of all, how many more books could I have sold if these guys...