一、前言 此配装合集在reddit论坛怪物猎人策略讨论区(r/MonsterHunterMeta)长期置顶,并于每个版本进行更新。本人仅负责搬运和翻译,章节作者会在文中注明。全合集分五次投稿,本次更新轻弩、重弩部分。至此,本合集翻译完工。 原帖地址: https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/comments/g9zwbj/iceborne_meta_buil...
PS4/Xbox One《怪物猎人:世界》(Monster Hunter: World)元旦24小时限定活动“菌猪是菌但也是菇菌的菌”已在2日上午结束,虽然为期短暂,但显然玩家们反应良好,因为不少玩家见识到疯狂起来的菌猪,可能比历战王古龙还可怕。 “菌猪是菌但也是菇菌的菌”活动奖励金高达54,000Z,对于平时不常上线的猎人来说,是个...
没删还在,What You Should Expect From Monster Hunter World: Iceborne 4楼2019-07-31 22:28 收起回复 碎片 蠢動城墟 14 赶紧出下个pv吧 来自iPhone客户端5楼2019-07-31 22:29 回复 我曾经有 緋天終焉 13 一堆亚种倒是很有4g的感觉,希望质量能有虎鲛水蛇那个水平吧 来自iPhone客户端6楼2019-...
For example, me and my friend play Monster Hunter World.举个例子,我和我的朋友玩怪猎世界Once we reach the top gear, we just wander around the world, helping newbie.一旦我们毕业了,我们会在游戏世界中到处游荡,帮助新手We understand that creating new content tooks time, that's why we didn't ...
375 MonsterHunterWorld 229,328 Rank Subreddit Subs 251 OopsDidntMeanTo 849,717 252 ProgrammerHumor 849,330 253 femalefashionadvice 840,122 254 savedyouaclick 837,046 255 marvelstudios 835,122 256 Astronomy 833,733 257 CozyPlaces 832,410 258 greentext 831,829 259 HistoryMemes 830...
Genshin_Impact 73 When I'm at work I like to keep my world open and set my bio as "take my stuff and leave a message!" because I hate my job and coming home to the messages makes my day a little better. I thought I would share this wholesome Itto & Kokomi because they were so...
For example, me and my friend play Monster Hunter World.举个例子,我和我的朋友玩怪猎世界Once we reach the top gear, we just wander around the world, helping newbie.一旦我们毕业了,我们会在游戏世界中到处游荡,帮助新手We understand that creating new content tooks time, that's why we didn't ...
Born October 19, 1943—L.E. Modesitt, Jr., 78. Writer of more than 70 novels and 10 different series, the best known of which is his fantasy seriesThe Saga of Recluce. He has been Guest of Honor at numerous conventions, including a World Fantasy Convention. He won a Neffy for hisEnd...
Players control the hunter Aloy as she defends the tribes and searches for answers while learning more about the catastrophe that befell the world and plunged it back into the stone age. The story is a number one priority in Horizon, and its sequel Horizon Forbidden West continues its ...
Based in the UK Adam spends most of his time honing his Monster Hunter skills and conquering the world in Total War. In the not so virtual world you'll probably find him travelling or enjoying live music. Follow him on twitter @AdamKoziol3 Screenshot by GameSkinny Codes UGC Limited Cod...