Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 怪物 原初形态爵银龙 NEW 人鱼龙 伞鸟 冥渊龙 冰人鱼龙 冰呪龙 冰牙龙 冰狼龙 刚缠兽 千刃龙 嗟怨震天怨虎龙 土砂龙 大名盾蟹 天廻龙 天狗兽 奇怪龙 妃蜘蛛 将军镰蟹 岚龙 岩龙 怨虎龙 怪异克服天廻龙 怪异克服天彗龙 怪异克服炎王龙 ...
All new monsters added in Sunbreak Monster Hunter Rise:Sunbreakbrings in a total of 17 monsters to the roster, seven of which are returning from previous entries. Six are subspecies, and four are completely new, too. Here’s the full list, plus their general strengths and weaknesses: Relat...
Sunbreak Monksnail: Get the snail hat The Sunbreak monster list adds all sorts of fun and fearsome creatures to the world of Monster Hunter Rise, from giant crabs to vampiric elder dragons, and even pretty experienced players are going to have a tough time beating all of them. But the ad...
600 (BreakLevel: 1, IgnoreCondition: Equal, IgnoreCheckCount: 2) WhiteMultiParts HP Variables 頭部 身體 右臂 左臂 後腳 後腳 尾巴 1 150 700 UseType: 1 Priority: 4 IsUseMultiRateEx: 1 IsEnableHyakuryu: True IsEnableOverwriteDown: False IsPrioDamageCustomize: False PrioDamageCategoryFlag:...
Introducing Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak! Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is an expansion to the original Monster Hunter Rise. Featuring improved gameplay and nimble-feeling additions to combat mechanics, unique new monsters and hunting locales, and a new difficulty level in the form of Master Rank...
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 日本語 简体中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 Русский Español latinoamericano العربية Deutsch Español Français Italiano Polski Português do Brasil Home Database Ver16.0.0 Quests ...
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
- Monster Hunter Rise (full game) -Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (expansion) Experience the thrill of the hunt! Explore new maps and take on fearsome new monsters using a new, dynamic style of hunting action where you can traverse more freely than ever before. ...
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.