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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak expansion The world of Monster Hunter Rise gets bigger and deeper with this massive expansion featuring new monsters, new locales and more A new adventure in a distant land Renowned as the Fierce Flame of Kamura” since the e
Experience Monster Hunter Rise and its massive expansion Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak in one convenient set Contents - Monster Hunter Rise full game -Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak expansion Experience the thrill of the hunt Explore new maps and take on
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(武士姿勢) - 面罩彩繪(歌舞伎彩繪) - 髮型(鐮鼬尾) ・「Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 豪華組合」 - 獵人外觀裝備「滅龍獵裝」系列 - 隨從加爾克外觀裝備「狩獵犬」系列 - 隨從艾路外觀裝備「忠貞修女貓」系列 - 動作組合(4種瞄準目標) - 姿勢組合(3種戰鬥姿勢) - 面罩彩繪(高雅眼影) - 髮型(蓬鬆...