There are also large uncertainties in the SST predictions from various models and a method has been developed to incorporate these uncertainties while making seasonal predictions using prescribed SSTs. After establishing the usability of the model for seasonal predictions, the prediction system is being ...
Current Status of El Nino: The 2023-24 El Nino has peaked and is weakening, impacting global climate, with sea surface temperatures recently reaching 2°C above normal. ENSO Neutral Conditions: Global climate models indicate a shift to ENSO neutral conditions by April-June, potentially aligning ...
The interannual variability of the Asian summer monsoon has significant impacts on Asian society. Advances in climate modelling have enabled us to make useful predictions of the seasonal Asian summer monsoon up to approximately half a year ahead, but lon
Here, we use causal delineation techniques, a coupled regional climate model, and multiple reanalysis datasets, and show that land-atmosphere feedbacks generate causal pathways between river basins in India. We further find that increased irrigation from the transferred water reduces mean rainfall in ...
Variations in total solar irradiance (TSI) are an important driver of climate system changes (Beer et al., 2000), including terrestrial climate (J. Wang et al., 2023). The coherence between ASM intensity and solar variability on multidecadal to centennial timescales has previously been recognized...
relative to when and where they occur. These differences have proved challenging for current climate models, primarily because we do not yet fully understand the complex atmosphere–ocean–land interactions that drive monsoon systems, which in turn are influenced by external forces and internal ...
Chen L Y et al.(2023)基于东亚沿岸850 hPa经向风的转变时间确定了每年东亚夏季风的撤退日期,系统研究了东亚夏季风撤退的气候态特征。在对流层低层850 hPa,东亚夏季风撤退前后的差异表现为东亚大陆(副热带西太平洋)有反气旋性环流(气旋性环流),东亚沿岸北风增强;环流的转变使得东亚上空水汽输送减少,并将更高纬度...
to disentangle the combined effects of internal and external factors under different climate states. All of these facilitates a deeper understanding of climate variability and driving mechanisms of the climate system at different time scales, and therefore in turn will improve future predictions. ...
Model predictions suggest that the Arctic will experience its first ice-free summer by the mid-21st century or even earlier19,20,21,22. Recent research has increasingly supported the notion that the loss of sea ice in the Arctic will not only influence the weather and climate within the ...
Within the long-term Neogene cooling trend, the Middle Pleistocene Transition (MPT, ~1.2–0.8 Ma) stands out as a period of special interest, as it marks a major shift in the response of Earth’s climate to orbital forcing. During this period, Earth’s climate transitioned from an ov...