The India Meteorological Department (IMD) confirmed that the Southwest Monsoon made landfall in Kerala on June 1. In its second stage monsoon forecast released on June 1, the IMD upwardly revised its forecast for the amount of rainfall expected during the monsoon season to 102% of the long ...
Wind profilers are a powerful tool to obtain vertical profiles of three components of wind velocities at high spatial and temporal resolution, and are widely used not only for atmospheric research but also for operational weather prediction. In clear air, the technique involves backscattering of the...
We used the IMD gridded rainfall data from 1951–2013 for the observational studies on rainfall variability20. We also used the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) Reanalysis-135 zonal wind, temperature, specific humidity and geopotential ...
Thus, in recent times monsoon rains show a significant deviation from normal rainfall magnitude and thus causing monsoon prediction to be more volatile and challenging. Removal of ENSO effect on the relationship between Indian Ocean SSTA, MSLA and AISMR SAI...
Pai DS, Bhan SC (2014) Monsoon 2013: a report (IMD Met. monograph no: ESSO/IMD/SYNOPTIC MET/01-2014/15). India Meteorological Department, National Climate Center, Pune, India Pai DS, Rajeevan MN (2009) Summer monsoon onset over Kerala: new definition and prediction. J Earth Syst Sci 11...
In this work, initial features and progression of Indian Summer Monsoon (2017) have been analyzed and the performances of the two numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are compared. The two NWP models running at National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) with latest settings...
R., 2006, "Evaluation of precipitation prediction skill of IMD operational NWP system over Indian monsoon region", Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 95, 205-221.Roy Bhowmik, S. K, Joardar, D. and Hatwar, H. R. (2006): Evaluation of precipitation prediction skill of IMD operational NWP system ...
Machine learning and deep learning approaches for PM2.5 prediction: a study on urban air quality in Jaipur, India Saurabh Singh Gourav Suthar Earth Science Informatics(2025) Impact of irrigation on farmworker’s heat stress in California differs by season and during the day and night ...
Investigating the seasonal SST Predictability in the Northern Tropical Atlantic Ocean in an ensemble prediction system Ting Liu Chunzai Wang Yonghan Wen Climate Dynamics (2024) The recent trends in the Indian summer monsoon rainfall Ramesh Kumar Yadav Environment, Development and Sustainability (...
Pai DS, Bhan SC (2014) Monsoon 2013: a report (IMD Met. monograph no: ESSO/IMD/SYNOPTIC MET/01-2014/15). India Meteorological Department, National Climate Center, Pune, India Pai DS, Rajeevan MN (2009) Summer monsoon onset over Kerala: new definition and prediction. J Earth Syst Sci 11...