Leung N, Barnidge DR, Hutchison CA: Laboratory testing in monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS). Clin Chem Lab Med 54: 929-937, 2016Leung N, Barnidge DR, Hutchison CA. Laboratory testing in monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS). Clin Chem Lab Med. 2016; 54: 929-...
labtestsonline.org.br 出现以下情况时,需要检测尿蛋白电泳:尿中检测到蛋白、医生怀疑尿中存在单克隆蛋白。 labtestsonline.org.cn labtestsonline.org.cn Lonza is the world's leading contract manufacturerofmonoclonalantibodies and recombinant proteins. ...
The term monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS) was introduced by the International Kidney and Monoclonal Gammopathy Research Group (IKMG) in 2012. The IKMG met in April 2017 to refine the definition of MGRS and to update the diagnostic crite
1.Kyle RA, Durie BG, Rajkumar SV, Landgren O, Blade J, Merlini G, et al. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and smoldering (asyntomatic) multiple myeloma: IMWG consensus perspectives risk factors progression and guidelines for monitoring and management. Leukemia 2010;24:1121...
67 Finally, in all patients treated with daratumumab, the appearance of a new IgG-κ band may represent daratumumab and should not be misinterpreted as disease recurrence, development of a new plasma cell malignancy, or development of a secondary monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (...
This finding offers an inexpensive, sensitive and specific screening tool to detect IgM monoclonal gammopathy processes in routine autoanalyzer interference tests.doi:10.1016/j.labcli.2013.01.003Caballero Sarmiento, RafaelBaena-Díez, J.M.Marrugat de la Iglesia, J....
Our prior studies utilized VHA data to study the risk of progression from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) to multiple myeloma. These studies relied on International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes and manual abstraction on clinical notes to both identify and verify MGUS...
OriginalarbeitImmunonephelometrische Bestimmung der Leichtkettenvon Immungiobulinen und des Kappa/Lambda-Quotienten im Urin bei Patienten mit monoklonalerGarnmopathieImmunonephelometrical Analysis of Immunoglobulin Light Chains and Kappa/LambdaRatio in Urine of Patients with Monoclonal GammopathyW. Hein, ...
Subsequent bone marrow tests did not reveal any blood malignancy, and the monoclonal IgM component was attributed to monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. In conclusion, an IgM-位 paraprotein was shown to cause falsely elevated CRP values in an automated immunometric assay using goat anti-...