1. 小于($lt):英文全称less-than 2. 小于等于($lte):英文全称less-than-equal 3. 大于($gt):英文全称greater-than 4. 大于等于($gte):英文全称greater-than-equal 5. 不等于($ne):英文全称not-equal 示例:查找workmate集合中年龄在25-30之间的数据 eg:db.workmate.find({"age":{$lte:30,$gte:25}})...
mongodb filter 语法 mongodb语法详解 在mongodb中基本的概念是文档、集合、数据库. MongoDB的默认数据库为"db",该数据库存储在data目录中。 MongoDB的单个实例可以容纳多个独立的数据库,每一个都有自己的集合和权限,不同的数据库也放置在不同的文件中。 MongoDB中常用的几种数据类型。 mongodb语法 数据库: sh...
mw.huiji.db.count( filter, options ) Count操作:返回符合查询条件的文档总数,这是一种简单的聚合操作。 mw.huiji.db.aggregate( pipeline, options ) Aggregate操作:聚合操作,用于实现数据的粘合以及初步的统计功能。 注意,上述参数filter、options和pipeline的书写方法均与MongoDB在PHP中的语法保持一致,但必须...
* * @param fieldName the field name * @param value the value * @tparam TItem the value type * @return the filter * @see [[http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/eq \$eq]] */ def equal[TItem](fieldName: String, value: TItem): Bson = eq(fieldName, value) ...
$lte: Less Than or Equal $gt: Greater Than $gte: Greater Than or Equal $ne: Not Equal 4.2.逻辑运算 $and $or db.mycollection1.find( { $or: [ { age: {$gte: 20} }, { salary: {$gt: 5000} }, { job: "HR" } ] } ) ...
Find Documents with a Query Filter Add a query filter to find only documents which meet the query criteria. constfilteredDocs=awaitcollection.find({a:3}).toArray();console.log('Found documents filtered by { a: 3 } =>',filteredDocs); ...
$lte --> lt equal --> <= $ne --> not equal --> != $eq --> equal --> = #select * from colwherelikes > 100;db.col.find({likes : {$gt : 100}}) 3.6 limit & skip #通常用来做分页, 只会显示第二条. 跳过一条, 显示一条. 先skip再limit, 和顺序没有关系db.col.find({},...
case "notequal": //不等于 list.Add(Builders<FormMongoDBModel>.Filter.Ne("field." + listquerymodel.field + "."+ queryconditiontype, listquerymodel.value)); break; case "like": //包含 list.Add(Builders<FormMongoDBModel>.Filter.Regex("field." + listquerymodel.field + "."+ querycondit...
Add a query filter to find only documents which meet the query criteria. constfilteredDocs=awaitcollection.find({a:3}).toArray();console.log('Found documents filtered by { a: 3 } =>',filteredDocs); Only the documents which match'a' : 3should be returned. ...
(mongodb_unload.c:157) [SOURCE_UNLOAD ] I: Range Segmentation filter for Segment #0 is: { "_id" : { "$lte" : { "$oid" : "5f805c97873173399a278d79" } }, "num" : { "$lte" : { "$numberInt" : "2" } } } (mongodb_unload.c:328) [SOURCE_UNLOAD ] I: Unload finished...