下面是一个简单的类图,展示MongoDB Compass的相关类与接口之间的关系: ```mermaid classDiagram class MongoDBCompass { + executeQuery() } class QueryEditor { + queryEditor() } class QueryResult { + displayResult() } class PerformanceMonitor { + monitorPerformance() } MongoDBCompass --> QueryEdito...
https://downloads.mongodb.com/compass/mongodb-compass-1.14.5-darwin-x64.dmg 下载后,安装即可。安装后是: 当前版本是:1.14.5 基本使用 打开后,进入连接数据库页: 点击连接后,进入数据库列表页: 创建数据库和集合 写入数据 点击INSERT DOCUMENT: 会出现编辑数据的弹框: 输入对应的数据的key和value,如果想要...
hashasusesMongoDBCompass+ScriptEditor+DatabaseConnectionScriptEditor+executeScript()DatabaseConnection+createCollection(name)+insertMany(collection, documents)+find(collection, query) 结论 通过本文的介绍,我们了解了如何在 MongoDB Compass 中执行 JavaScript 脚本,并对数据库进行操作。MongoDB Compass 提供了一个...
注意 MongoDB Compass 版本 1.42.4 尚未发布。 MongoDB Compass 1.42.3 3 月发布20 、 2024 新增功能 默认情况下无需确认即可在后台安装更新 (COMPASS-7616) 启用重命名集合功能标志 (COMPASS-7699) 将OIDC 依赖升级至最新版本 将mongosh、驱动程序和 bson 升级到最新版本 缺陷修复 以更高效的堆栈方式计算最大...
@mongodb-js/compass-editor: Reusable Compass editor component based on ace-editor with MongoDB-specific ace modes, themes, and autocompleters @mongodb-js/compass-logging: Shared helpers for logging in Compass packages @mongodb-js/compass-maybe-protect-connection-string: Utility for protecting connec...
MongoDB Compass is now free for all and Compass 1.21 is the last version of Compass that includes the Community edition.
Onmongo0, open the MongoDB configuration file in your preferred text editor: sudonano/etc/mongod.conf Copy Even though you’ve opened up each server’s firewall to allow the other servers access to port27017, MongoDB is currently bound to127.0.0.1, the local loopback network interface. ...
与SQL一样(比如phpmyadmin、mysqlWorkbench、toad),我们可以很容易地直接在QueryEditor中执行原生查询。同样,mongodb compass中有没有可以执行直接查询的控制台(查询编辑器)?如果是,那么告诉我面包屑。 注意:我不想使用robomongo,robo3T和其他mongo UI工具。 浏览37提问于2019-02-06得票数 16...
MongoDB Compasshelps you visually explore your data. Run ad hoc queries in seconds. Interact with your data with full CRUD functionality. View and optimize your query performance. Available on Linux, Mac, or Windows. Compass empowers you to make smarter decisions about indexing, document validatio...
Choose the "Connect using MongoDB Compass" option and copy the connection string. Make sure to add your username and password in their respective places before entering the string in Visual Studio Code. Then paste this string into Visual Studio Code. Once you've connected successfully, you shoul...