mongod --config share1.conf --oplogSize=2048 2> MongoDB version 3.6 + In the MongoDBversion 3.6 Check current oplog size 1. 2. To change the oplog size to 300 MB db.adminCommand({replSetResizeOplog:1,size:300}) 1. MongoDB version less than 3.6...
MongoDB Compass is a GUI for simplifying database management. To create a database using Compass, do the following: 1. Launch the MongoDB Compassprogram. If usingLinux, run the following command in the terminal: mongodb-compass The command opens the MongoDB CompassUI. 2. Connect to the Mo...
When you run a create index command in the MongoDB Shell or a driver, MongoDB only creates the index if an index of the same specification does not exist. Although indexes improve query performance, adding an index has negative performance impact for write operations. For collections with a ...
db.c.find( { }, {_id:0} ).sort( {n:1} ).collation( { locale:'en_US', numericOrdering:true } ) For more information on querying documents in Compass, seeQuery Your Data. The operations returns the following results: [ {"n":"-2.1"}, ...
MongoDB Create index using C# .NET driver. Create unique and compound indexes using C# Mongo DB driver for better performance query.
Your first query router should begin to connect to the three configuration servers. Repeat these steps on the other query router. Remember that themongodbservice must be stopped prior to typing in the command. Also, keep in mind that theexactsame command must be used to start ...
I need to have the following: i have a basic nodeJS with MongoDB server which will need to handle at the worst case about 300-400 http client requests at the same time. This server handles basic requests and should query the local mongo db and save some informati...
The Aggregation Pipeline Builder in MongoDB Compass helps you create aggregation pipelines to process documents from a collection or view and return computed results. About this Task MongoDB Compass provides different modes to create aggregation pipelines: Stage View Mode, a visual pipeline editor that...
Click theCreatebutton to create your view. Compass creates a view from your pipeline results in the same database where the pipeline was created and displays saved views with theicon. Learn More Manage Views in Compass © 2024 MongoDB, Inc....