msiexec.exe /q /i mongodb-compass-x.x.x.xxxx.x64.msi 1. 在上面的命令中,mongodb-compass-x.x.x.xxxx.x64.msi是你下载的安装程序的文件名。通过执行以上命令,你可以在静默模式下安装MongoDB Compass。 方法三:安装旧版本 如果你尝试了以上方法仍然无法解决问题,你可以尝试安装MongoDB Compass的旧版本。
安装MongoDB始终卡在了 Installing MongoDB Compass 可以将MongoDB Compass和MongoDB分开安装,安装的时候取消勾选安装MongoDB Compass 安装完成之后,我们可以下载MongoDB可视化工具MongoDB Compass进行安装
mongoDB安装卡在installing MongoDB Compass mongodb安装使用,一、下载1、下载地址 下载方式分为msi和zip,这里我使用msi,因为方便,环境变量配置都省了。2、安装 然后点击Custom安装(
然而,在我下载安装mongodb时,一直都装不上,试了几次都出现: 后面查了一下,在安装时会有一个默认的小勾,需要把它去掉:根据mongodb-3-6-2-2008r2-plus-not-installing安装时 把 Compass 去掉,后面就可以了。 注: mongo命令报错,无法将"mongo" 项识别为 cmdlet、函数、脚本文件或可运行程序的名称 在powershe...
Step 1 — Installing MongoDB Compass To use MongoDB Compass, you must install it on your local computer. MongoDB provides official packages for the graphical tool for Ubuntu and RHEL-based Linux distributions, as well as Windows and MacOS. ...
The Compass installer prompts you to install the minimum required version of the .NET framework if it is not already installed on your system. Starting the installation as an administrator if you are running a silent installation using Microsoft PowerShell or installing on Azure Virtual Desktop Infr...
需要注意的是,在最后一步安装过程中,需要取消选中左下角的Install MongoDB Compass复选框,不然会一直卡在Installing MongoDB Compass...界面直到安装好MongoDB Compass为止。MongoDB Compass是MongoDB的图形化管理界面,下载需要的时间比较长,如果需要安装也是可以的,耐心等待即可。 安装成功后首先需要创建数据目录db,因为...
不然会一直卡在Installing MongoDB Compass...界面直到安装好MongoDB Compass为止。MongoDB Compass是Mongo...
If you enable auto updates and downgraded MongoDB Compass by manually installing an earlier version, Compass does not automatically update when MongoDB releases a new version. If a newer version is available, Compass asks you to confirm that you want to install the update through a notification....
Installing Compass You can install compass using theinstall_compassscript packaged with MongoDB: $ ./install_compass This will download the appropriate MongoDB Compass package for your platform and install it. Client drivers for most programming languages are available at