6、取消“Install MongoDB Compass”的勾选(当然您也可以选择安装它,但这样就需要花费更久的安装时间),MongoDB Compass是一个图形界面管理工具,后面如果需要我们也可以再单独下载和安装它,完成上述操作后点击 Next,如下图所示: 7、点击“Install”按钮开始安装。 创建数据目录。安装完毕后先不要启动,在 MongoDB 安...
Compass requires: 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows 10 or later. MongoDB 4.4 or later. Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5 or later. The Compass installer prompts you to install the minimum required version of the .NET framework if it is not already installed on your system. ...
打开应用程序:安装完成后,在系统中找到 MongoDB Compass 图标并双击打开。 # 对于 macOS 用户# 找到 Launchpad 中的 MongoDB Compass,双击启动。 1. 2. 步骤4:连接到 MongoDB 数据库 输入连接字符串:首次打开时,MongoDB Compass 会出现一个连接设置的界面。在这里,你需要提供 MongoDB 数据库的连接字符串(通常...
install_compass(Windows 中为Install-Compass)是MongoDB Compass的特定于平台的安装脚本。 如果作为MongoDB Enterprise 服务器软件包的一部分下载,install_compass脚本会安装MongoDB Compass标准版。 如果作为MongoDB Community Server软件包的一部分下载,install_compass脚本会安装MongoDB Compass Community 版。
Download MongoDB Compass (.deb) After downloading the.deb package file, you can install it by executing the given command. sudo dpkg -i EnterfileName.deb Now just search for MongoDB Compass in the application menu and you will find an icon to run it. ...
Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143.tmp\dist\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\datasources\mongodb.cfm Status: SUCCESSFUL Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143.tmp\dist\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\datasources\msaccess.cfm Status: SUCCESSFUL Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143.tmp...
├── mongod.pid 部署mongodb 下面,我们以 mongodb 为例,在 Ubuntu18.04 上详细的走一遍流程。mongodb 官方提供了二进制文件下载,在这里。 下面我先说下我自己的部署标准 该软件整体安装在/opt目录下 相关的可执行文件如mongo、mongod全局可用 配置到系统服务,可开机启动 ...
MongoDB clients can be your application, MongoDB Shell, MongoDB Compass, or anything which wants to connect and store data to the MongoDB server. Here, we already installed two clients, MongoDB Shell and MongoDB Compass. Go to the path where MongoDB was installed. By default it is "C...
sudo nano /etc/mongodb.conf In that file, you should see the line: bind_ip = You can either change that line to: bind_ip = or bind_IP =, SERVER Where SERVER is the IP address of the machine hosting Compass. Use the first configuration option to a...
wget--user=myusername --ask-password=mypassword https://downloads.mongodb.com/compass/mongodb-compass-1.28.1-win32-x64.zip You will see an output similar in the image below if the command is successful. Downloading files from a password-protected website ...