6、取消“Install MongoDB Compass”的勾选(当然您也可以选择安装它,但这样就需要花费更久的安装时间),MongoDB Compass是一个图形界面管理工具,后面如果需要我们也可以再单独下载和安装它,完成上述操作后点击 Next,如下图所示: 7、点击“Install”按钮开始安装。 创建数据目录。安装完毕后先不要启动,在 MongoDB 安...
db.createUser({ user: "useradmin", pwd: "adminpassword", roles: [{ role: "root", db: "admin" }] }) 4.退出Mongo Shell exit 1. 5.修改配置文件mongod.cfg,找到security字段,去掉前面的【#】,然后再security字段的下一行添加【authorization: enabled】,请注意,【authorization: enabled】前面有两个...
install_compass(Windows 中的Install-Compass)是针对MongoDB Compass的平台专用型安装脚本。 如果作为MongoDB Enterprise 服务器软件包的一部分下载,install_compass脚本会安装MongoDB Compass标准版。 如果作为MongoDB Community Server软件包的一部分下载,install_compass脚本会安装MongoDB Compass Community 版。
Compass requires: 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows 10 or later. MongoDB 4.4 or later. Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5 or later. The Compass installer prompts you to install the minimum required version of the .NET framework if it is not already installed on your system. ...
If you want to install the MongoDB community edition as well as brew installmongodb-community+mongodb compass, run the following command: brew install mongodb-community Step 2: In case you already have the MongoDB server running OR already have the MongoDB shell, and just want to install ...
MongoDB Compass is compatible with commonly used operating systems. You can obtain the graphical user interface (GUI) for OS X, Ubuntu and Windows, among others. In order to use the tool, you need to have the document-oriented database already installed. You can find out how this works in...
Download MongoDB Compass (.deb) After downloading the.deb package file, you can install it by executing the given command. sudo dpkg -i EnterfileName.deb Now just search for MongoDB Compass in the application menu and you will find an icon to run it. ...
所以,在使用 Linux 的时候,我们总会去搜索诸如 “Ubuntu18.04 如何安装 mongodb ” 这样的问题,而且经常是一个软件有几种不同的安装方式,对于初学者,当从其中一个点出发的时候,基本是蒙圈的。与此同时,我们在使用 Windows 完全不会有这样的困扰,管你是 QQ,PS 还是 mysql,基本上通过一个安装包解决问题。
Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143.tmp\dist\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\datasources\mongodb.cfm Status: SUCCESSFUL Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143.tmp\dist\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\datasources\msaccess.cfm Status: SUCCESSFUL Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143.tmp\...
Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143.tmp\dist\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\datasources\mongodb.cfm Status: SUCCESSFUL Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143.tmp\dist\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\datasources\msaccess.cfm Status: SUCCESSFUL Install File: C:\Users\mbedinger\090143...