MALAYSIA: Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has issued three Islamic money market facilities for RM14.29 billion (US$3.46 billion), according to separate announcements. All papers were fully subscribed. BNM also issued two Money Market Tender Qard (MMTQ) instruments and one Money Market Tender Murabahah...
So far, panic hasn’t really set in in the bond market, but I must admit that although I have previously been relatively calm about US fiscal policy, I must say that Trump is now really playing with fire, and it’s worth remembering that bond market pricing is largely built on trust. ...
MALAYSIA: Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has issued four Money Market Tender Qard papers and one Money Market Tender Murabahah Overnight Borrowing Acceptance Islamic instrument for a total of RM14.85 billion (US$3.61 billion), according to separate announcements. Restricted access 1 Introduction 1.1 Thes...
Role of BNM on ICM Development 42 The Securities Commission (SC) 42 Role of SC on ICM Development 42 Bursa Malaysia (BM) 45 Role of BM on ICM Development 45 Shariah-Compliant Stocks and ETF 46 Islamic Equity Indices 46 Islamic REITs and Sukuk Market 47 ...
MALAYSIA: Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has placed five Islamic short-term facilities for RM15.2 billion (US$3.63 billion), according to separate statements. All papers were fully subscribed.
MALAYSIA: Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has issued four Islamic money market instruments for RM15 billion (US$3.68 billion), according to separate statements. BNM also auctioned two Islamic liquidity management tools for RM14.43 billion (US$3.54 billion) and five Islamic papers for RM17.51 billion ...
MALAYSIA: Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has issued Islamic money market instruments worth RM36.39 billion (US$8.68 billion), according to separate statements. BNM also printed one Money Market Tender Qard-Islamic Range Maturity paper and one Money Market Tender Murabahah Overnight Borrowing Acceptance ...