2QuarterlyBulletin|3Q2023 TheBNMQuarterlyBulletinpresentsaquarterlyreviewofMalaysia’seconomic,monetaryand nancialdevelopments. ItincludestheBank’slatestassessmentsonthedirectionoftheeconomygoingforward.TheBulletinalsoprovidesinsights oncurrenteconomicand nancialissues,includinghighlightsofpolicyinitiativesundertakenbyBankNe...
The MPC emphasized that the current OPR level is supportive of the economy and aligns with inflation and growth projections. Vigilance towards ongoing developments will guide future assessments on inflation and growth outlooks, ensuring that monetary policy remains conducive to sustainable economic growth ...
Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) unexpectedly raised its benchmark interest rate on Wednesday, citing a need to normalise monetary accommodation as the economy was resilient and it needed to manage persistent inflation. The overnight policy rate was raised by 25 basis points to 3 percent. A Reuters po...
While inflation is seen to be modest in 2024, after averaging 2.5% in 2023, BNM said the outlook is subject to “changes to domestic policy on subsidies and price controls, as well as global commodity prices and financial market developments”. “The government’s intention to review price co...
2QuarterlyBulletin|3Q2023 TheBNMQuarterlyBulletinpresentsaquarterlyreviewofMalaysia’seconomic,monetaryand nancialdevelopments. ItincludestheBank’slatestassessmentsonthedirectionoftheeconomygoingforward.TheBulletinalsoprovidesinsights oncurrenteconomicand nancialissues,includinghighlightsofpolicyinitiativesundertakenbyBankNe...
“At the current OPR level, the monetary policy stance remains supportive of the economy and is consistent with the current assessment of the inflation and growth prospects,” it said. “The MPC will ensure that the monetary policy stance remains conducive to sustainable economic growth amid price...
The central bank said at the current OPR level, the stance of monetary policy remained accommodative and supportive of economic growth. “Further normalisation to the degree of monetary policy accommodation would be informed by the evolving conditions and their implications to the domestic inflation and...