The first 10 days of this leave (rather than 14 days, as originally drafted) may be unpaid but an employee canelectto substitute accrued paid time off (i.e. sick, vacation, PTO) during this time, including using paid sick time pursuant to the Emergency Paid Sick Act (see below for mor...
Our dogs do not build cities or write policy or make war or give speeches or build bombs or write books. And yet they leave profound and lifelong impacts on the people who love them. And we treasure them forever. “We may get to keep Harper for another day or another week or another ...
I’m becoming increasingly interested in this subject for a couple of reasons. First off, my husband’s profession is smack-dab within employee recognition and – specifically – employee retention. This oncoming cattle rush of E-Bay employees willing to take their services to the highest bidder ...
You can read details in Lauren Casper’s post titled, “To the Trader Joe’s Employee Who Noticed My Family in the Parking Lot.” It may be sufficient to say here that Lauren found herself in a similar position to Lizzy in that she was also the potential brunt of a variety of ...
the largest investors hold the largest number of voting shares. Varoufakis argues that the proper principle for reconfiguring the ownership of corporations for a market-based society would be one employee, one share (not tradeable), one vote. On that basis, he says, we can imagine as ...