Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids 核糖核酸的分子结构 A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid 脱氧核糖核酸的一种结构 We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.). This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest. 我们拟提出一...
. This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest. A structure for nucleic acid has already been proposed by Pauling and Corey1. They kindly made their manuscript available to us in advance of publication. Their model consists of three intertwined chains, with the ...
1. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF NUCLEIC ACIDS: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid [J] . F. H. C. Crick, J. D. Watson Nature physics . 2014,第Null期 机译:核酸的分子结构:脱氧核糖核酸的结构。 2. Designs for the self-assembly of open and closed macromolecular structures and a molecular...
Molecular structure of Nucleic acid沃森克里克威尔金斯1953年《Nature》737-740页
经典名篇共享MOLECULAR_STRUCTURE_OF_NUCLEIC_ACIDS.doc,Watson 和 Crick 发现有关DNA双螺旋结构的原始论文,发表于1953年4月2日的Nature杂志。 ? MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF NUCLEIC ACIDS ??? A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid ? We wish to suggest a s
Molecular structure of nucleic acids 下载积分:3000 内容提示: No. 4356 April 25, 1953 NATURE 737 MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF NUCLEIC ACIDS A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid E wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.). This structure has novel features ...
Suggests a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA). Criticism of structure proposed by L. Pauling and R.B. Corey; Helical chains; Similarity with S. Furberg's model; Specificity of base pairing; Possible copying mechanism for the genetic material; Article taken from Nature, ...
Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (Reprinted from Nature, April 25, 1953) WE wish to suggest a structure for the salt of (Jeoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.). This structure has novel features which arc of considerable biological interest. A ...
MOLECULARSTRUCTURE OFNUCLEICACIDS AStructureforDeaxyribose NucleicAcid Background •posingoftheproblem 20世纪40年代末和50年代初,在DNA被确认为遗传 物质之后,人们不得不面临着一个难题:DNA必须能够携 带遗传信息,能够自我复制传递遗传信息,能够让遗传信 息得到表达以控制细胞活动,并且能够突变并保留突变。 这4点...