期刊全名 Molecular Pharmaceutics 期刊简称 MOL PHARM 期刊出版周期 Bimonthly 期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 American Chemical Society 出版或管理。 ISSN号:1543-8384 期刊主页 Molecular Pharmaceutics主页 期刊评价 您选择的Molecular Pharmaceutics的指数解析如下: 简介:MOL PHARM杂志属于医学行业,“药学”子行业的顶级杂...
Machine learning-based generative models can generate novel molecules with desirable physiochemical and pharmacological properties from scratch. Many excellent generative models have been proposed, but multi-objective optimizations in molecular generativ
Br J Pharm. 2019;176:1173–89. Article CAS Google Scholar Cunha A, Gaubert A, Verget J, Thiolat ML, Barthelemy P, Latxague L, et al. Trehalose-based nucleolipids as nanocarriers for autophagy modulation: An in vitro study. Pharmaceutics 2022;14:857. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central...
Author notes Haihai Liang, Xiaoguang Zhao and Chengyu Wang contributed equally to this work. Authors and Affiliations Department of Pharmacology (State-Province Key Laboratories of Biomedicine-Pharmaceutics of China, Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Research, Ministry of Education), College of Pharmacy, Ha...
Similarity has become a cornerstone of chemoinformatics [6], which makes it of great interest to chemists and pharmaceutics, as well as appearing in other diverse domains (see the following sections). Here, one usually uses “similarity coefficients” and “similarity indices” in an interchangeable...
Abstract Over the past few decades, cancer immunotherapy has experienced a significant revolution due to the advancements in immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and adoptive cell therapies (ACTs), along with their regulatory approvals. In recent times, there has been hope in the effectiveness of can...
mRNA vaccines have tremendous potential to fight against cancer and viral diseases due to superiorities in safety, efficacy and industrial production. In recent decades, we have witnessed the development of different kinds of mRNAs by sequence optimizati
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Hattab, D., Gazzali, A. M. & Bakhtiar, A. Clinical advances of siRNA-based nanotherapeutics for cancer treatment.Pharmaceutics13, 1009 (2021). ArticleCASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Di Giammartino, D. C., Nishida, K. & Manley, J. L. Mechanisms and consequences of alternative polyad...