Molecular aspects of thyroid hor- mone-regulated behavior. In: Pfaff DW, Arnold AP, Etgen AM, Fahrbach SE, Rubin RT, eds. Hormones, Brain and Behavior. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 2002:539 -566.Anderson G. W. and Mariash C. N. ( 2002 ) Molecular aspects of thyroid hormone-...
Actions forselected chapters Select all/Deselect all Pages 313-318 View PDF View chapter About the book Description Molecular Endocrinology examines basic principles in molecular endocrinology using selected examples. It looks at the molecular aspects of hormone action, from hormone-receptor interactions to...
Behavioral and psychiatric aspects of hypothyroidism. In: Braverman LE, Utiger RD (eds). Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid (8th edn) Lippincott-Raven: Philadelphia 2000 pp 837–842 Bauer M, Whybrow PC . Thyroid hormone, neural tissue and mood modulation World J Biol Psych 2001 2: 57–67 ...
New aspects of vitamin D metabolism and action — addressing the skin as source and target Article 06 February 2020 Vitamin D Biochemistry and Physiology Chapter © 2018 Vitamin D Receptor and Interaction with DNA: From Physiology to Chronic Kidney Disease Chapter © 2016 References Haussl...
Molecular aspects of enzymes involved in steroidogenesis. Novel therapeutic applications of new steroid agonists or antagonists. Steroids and neuroendocrinology or neuroimmunology. Neurosteroids, steroid action on synactic transmission and modulation. Steroid hormones and hypertension. Steroids and their actions...
Peterson P, Pitkanen J, Sillanpaa N, Krohn K 2004 Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED): a model disease to study molecular aspects of endocrine autoimmunity. Clin Exp Immunol 135:348 –357 69. Arlt CW, Allolio B 2003 Adrenal insufficiency. Lancet 361:1881–...
Polyketides in insects: ecological role of these widespread chemicals and evolutionary aspects of their biogenesis. Biol Rev 2008; 83: 209–226. 4 Raspotnig G, Fauler G, Leis M, Leis HJ. Chemical profiles of scent gland secretions in the cyphophthalmid opilionid harvestmen, Siro duricorius ...
subsets, angio-TAMs are pivotal in promoting multiple aspects of tumor progression. The expressions of VEGF-A and SPP1 (OPN) act as molecular signature of this particular subset of TAMs [151]. In addition, TAM-associated angiogenic factors like VCAN, FCN1, and THBS1 are also reported as ...
Sambyal K, Singh RV (2020) Production aspects of testosterone by microbial biotransformation and future prospects. Steroids 159:108651 Kolatorova L, Vitku J, Suchopar J et al (2022) Progesterone: a steroid with wide range of effects in physiology as well as human medicine. Int J Mol Sci...
general is on the mammalian lung (particularly on those of laboratory animals - mainly the mouse and rat) and the tracheal system of insects (especially ofDrosophila). Relatively little information exists on the morphogenetic aspects of the development of the avian lung and hardly any is available...