Understanding the impact of climate change and exploring potential solutions to this global threat is more important than ever. Here we share recent highlights from the BMC Series journals. Latest Tweets View Twitter timeline This Twitter Timeline cannot be shown as you have not...
甲醇含氢量高(可达12.6 wt% 或99.8 g L−1),其在催化剂作用下可以和水通过重整反应实现即时制氢,被视为最具潜力的液态储氢载体之一。在此背景下,高效甲醇重整产氢催化剂的设计开发和机理研究成为该领域的研究重点。在机理研究方面,通常采用的核磁、红外等谱学手段可以很好地获取反应中间产物的信息,但对于研究...
作者首先对该反应的条件进行筛选,丙酸肉桂酯(1a,0.50 mmol)、吡啶的氮氧化物(2a,1.0 mmol)、9-三甲基-10-苯基吖啶鎓四氟硼酸盐(Mes-Acr+BF4-,5.0 mol%)和HBF4(42 wt% in H2O,85 mol%)在二氯甲烷(2.0 mL)溶液中混合,蓝色LED(446 nm,18.4 W)连续6天进行照射,能够以69%的分离产率得到产物2-苄基吡啶(...
of 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) and triethylamine to generate the isobutyryl ester (2). Phosphorous oxychloride (POCl3) was added for chlorination of the hydroxyl group followed by the addition of a high equivalent of 1,2,4-triazole to form the triazole analog (3). This conversion had a ...
In this investigation, a new basic ionic liquid pyridine base was stabilized on the solid base, afterward was utilized for the methyl esters production in microchannel. The major nominal variables to optimize the conditions for achieving a maximum yield of biodiesel were: catalyst concentration, ...
Besides, a mixed oxide (Co/RZnO) was prepared by mechanical milling of 2.5 wt% of RCoO on RZnO. The structural, textural, and acidity properties of the catalysts were analyzed by XRD, XANES, SEM, TEM, FT-IR, SBET and pyridine-TPD. The depolymerization of PET (from soft-drink bottles...
Particularly, the zeolite with SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio = 50 and impregnated with P, exhibited the highest selectivity (C3+ olefins > 45 wt% at TOS = 5 h) in comparison with the rest of the evaluated catalysts. On the contrary, catalysts with SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio = 80 showed lower...