We describe the action of the different Frobenius morphisms on the cohomology\nring of the moduli stack of algebraic vector bundles of fixed rank and\ndeterminant on an algebraic curve over a finite field in characteristic p and\nanalyse special situations like vector bundles on the projective ...
2023-12-20 Mumford's formula on the universal Picard stack 01:13:23 2023-12-14 Log intersection theory of the moduli space of curves 01:27:11 2023-12-12 Physical approach to K-theoretic Donaldson invariants 01:20:51 2023-12-01 Toward a generalization of the Witten conjecture from sp...
M. Grimes: Universal moduli spaces of vector bundles and the log-minimal model program on the moduli of curves. http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.5734 .M. Grimes. Universal moduli spaces of vector bundles and the log-minimal model program on the moduli of curves. Available at http://arxiv.org/...
The ${s}_k$ gives a stratification of the moduli space ${\\cal M}(r,d)$ of stable vector bundles of rank $r$ and degree on $d$ on $C$ into locally closed subsets ${\\calM}(r,d,k,s)$ according to the value of $s$ and $k$. There is a component ${\\cal M}^0(r,...
For instance, the classification of 0-even nodes on sextic surfaces was achieved in [Ca-To], showing the existence of sets of cardinality 56. In this case a remarkable feature was that the corresponding moduli space of vector bundles E := E ′′ (3) was shown to be irreducible, yet...
As a consequence, we obtain an explicit description of the Picard groups of the universal moduli stack of vector bundles on smooth curves and of the Schmitt's compactification over the stack of stable curves. We prove some results about the gerbe structure of the universal moduli stack over ...
The aim is to provide a brief introduction to algebraic stacks,and then to give several constructions of the moduli stack of Higgs bundles onalgebraic curves. The first construction is via a "bootstrap" method from thealgebraic stack of vector bundles on an algebraic curve. This construction is...
As a consequence, we obtain an explicit description of the Picard groups of the universal moduli stack of vector bundles on smooth curves and of the Schmitt's compactification over the stack of stable curves. We prove some results about the gerbe structure of the universal moduli stack over ...
Moduli spaces of holomorphic triples over compact Riemann surfaces A holomorphic triple over a compact Riemann surface consists of two holomorphic vector bundles and a holomorphic map between them. After fixing the topolog... SB Bradlow,O Gar-Cía-Prada,PB Gothen - 《Mathematische Annalen》 被引...
projectivizations of rank two vector bundles over curves, such that the fibers are embedded as smooth rational curves.There are two different applications of our algorithm. Firstly, given a very...doi:http://dx.doi.org/Catanese, F., Tonoli, F., : A remarkable moduli space of rank 6 ...