2022-12-14 A universal moduli space of stable parabolic vector bundles over the 01:19:47 2022-12-7 Quantum Periods and TBA-like Equations for a Class of Calabi-Yau Geome 59:05 2022-11-25 One classification of theories with eight supercharges 01:25:25 2022-11-17 Categorical Torelli...
We survey recent progress in the study of moduli of vector bundles on higher-dimensional base manifolds. In particular, we discuss an algebro-geometric construction of an analogue for the Donaldson-Uhlenbeck compactification and explain how to use moduli spaces of quiver representations to show that...
M. Grimes: Universal moduli spaces of vector bundles and the log-minimal model program on the moduli of curves. http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.5734 .M. Grimes. Universal moduli spaces of vector bundles and the log-minimal model program on the moduli of curves. Available at http://arxiv.org/...
作者: VA Norton 摘要: TY - JOURAU - Norton, V.AlanTI - Nonseparation in the Moduli of Complex Vector Bundles.JO - Mathematische AnnalenPY - 1978VL - 235SP - 1EP - 16LA - engUR - http://eudml.org/doc/163141ER - DOI: 10.1007/BF01421590 年份: 1978 收藏...
The ${s}_k$ gives a stratification of the moduli space ${\\cal M}(r,d)$ of stable vector bundles of rank $r$ and degree on $d$ on $C$ into locally closed subsets ${\\calM}(r,d,k,s)$ according to the value of $s$ and $k$. There is a component ${\\cal M}^0(r,...
We construct the moduli stack of properly balanced vector bundles on semistable curves and we determine explicitly its Picard group. As a consequence, we obtain an explicit description of the Picard groups of the universal moduli stack of vector bundles on smooth curves and of the Schmitt's comp...
For instance, the classification of 0-even nodes on sextic surfaces was achieved in [Ca-To], showing the existence of sets of cardinality 56. In this case a remarkable feature was that the corresponding moduli space of vector bundles E := E ′′ (3) was shown to be irreducible, yet...
ON SOME MODULI SPACES OF STABLE VECTOR BUNDLES ON CUBIC AND QUARTIC THREEFOLDS INDRANIL BISWAS, JISHNU BISWAS, AND G. V. RAVINDRA Abstract. We study certain moduli spaces of stable vector bundles of rank two on cubic and quartic threefolds. In many cases under consideration, it turns out tha...
摘要: The action of Sl(r, k[[z]]) on the Sato Grassmannian is studied. Following ideas similar to those of GlT and to those used in the study of vector bundles, the (semi)stable points a... 查看全部>>关键词: Sato Grassmannian stability Harder-Narasimhan filtration Jordan-Holder ...
The main goal of this paper is to give a general algorithm to compute, via computer-algebra systems, an explicit set of generators of the ideals of the projective embeddings of ruled surfaces, i.e. projectivizations of rank two vector bundles over curves, such that the fibers are embedded...