如果您的代码中确实需要使用某个特定的API,并且这个API在之前的wandb版本中存在,但现在不存在了,您可能需要查看wandb的更新日志或联系wandb的支持团队以获取帮助。 总结来说,AttributeError: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'apis' 错误表明您正在尝试访问wandb模块中不存在的apis属性。您应该检查并更新您的代码,以...
while trying to run the wandb sweep on yolov5 I'm facing this issue AttributeError: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'init' commands that I am executing wandb sweep D:\Office-Farooq-Yolo\Farooq_yolov5\yolov5-master\utils\loggers\wandb\sweep.yaml --project yolov5_sweep wandb agent farooq94...
from wandb.apis.normalize import normalize_exceptions File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\wandb\apis\normalize.py", line 13, in from wandb.sdk.lib.mailbox import ContextCancelledError File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\wandb\sdk\li...
Looks good to me. As expected, now gives a notice to install wandb if it's not already installed and no longer crashes before training. AyushExelmentioned this issueApr 19, 2021 W&B Bug: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'run'#2845 ...
wandb==0.15.11 for kohya_ss library -e . # no_verify leave this to specify not checking this a verification stage And now it works. williamyang1991mentioned this issueOct 17, 2023 no attribute 'is_tensor'#70 Open Merged Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have...
AttributeError: module 'gym.envs.atari' has no attribute 'AtariEnv' @JesseFarebro 2291924061 commented May 19, 2022 Nevermind @JesseFarebro , At first I believed there was an older version of gym and/or ale-py in my pip cache. However it turns out I was inside the gym repository fol...
no_ckpt=False, num_ckpt_keep=3, eval_freq=100, no_eval=False, checkpoint=True, world_size=8, wandb=WandbArgs(project='Mistral-finetune', offline=False, key='81eab917d15e15c70c653f96b000838fcbb6bad5', run_name=''), mlflow=MLFlowArgs(tracking_uri=None, experiment_name=None), lora...
The issue, that the torch.save() fails, is caused by the wandb.watch(). Luckily, I found an easy solution that you could implement (or I can via pull request). The only change is in trainer.py: def save_model(self): """Save model checkpoints based on various conditions.""" ckpt...
❔Question when I was runing ,module 'wandb' has no attribute 'run' occurred,I don't know why? Additional context