针对你遇到的问题“module 'wandb' has no attribute 'init'”,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 检查是否已正确安装了wandb库: 确保你已经安装了wandb库。你可以通过运行以下命令来安装或检查wandb库是否已安装: bash pip install wandb 或者,如果你已经安装了wandb,可以通过以下命令来检查其版本: bash pip...
while trying to run the wandb sweep on yolov5 I'm facing this issue AttributeError: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'init' commands that I am executing wandb sweep D:\Office-Farooq-Yolo\Farooq_yolov5\yolov5-master\utils\loggers\wandb\sweep.yaml --project yolov5_sweep wandb agent farooq94...
hey! I am using wandb==0.15.3 and keep getting a ModuleNotFoundError when trying to execute from wandb.keras import WandbMetrcsLogger. When trying to execute wandb.login() I am getting an AttributeError: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'login' Both code chunks used to work a month ago...
from wandb import sdk as wandb_sdk File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\wandb\sdk_init_.py", line 5, in from .wandb_artifacts import Artifact # noqa: F401 File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\wandb\sdk\wandb_artifacts.py", ...
Looks good to me. As expected, now gives a notice to install wandb if it's not already installed and no longer crashes before training. AyushExelmentioned this issueApr 19, 2021 W&B Bug: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'run'#2845 ...
no_ckpt=False, num_ckpt_keep=3, eval_freq=100, no_eval=False, checkpoint=True, world_size=8, wandb=WandbArgs(project='Mistral-finetune', offline=False, key='81eab917d15e15c70c653f96b000838fcbb6bad5', run_name=''), mlflow=MLFlowArgs(tracking_uri=None, experiment_name=None), lora...
AttributeError: module 'gym.envs.atari' has no attribute 'AtariEnv' @JesseFarebro 2291924061 commented May 19, 2022 Nevermind @JesseFarebro , At first I believed there was an older version of gym and/or ale-py in my pip cache. However it turns out I was inside the gym repository fol...
Collaborator @tjb-tech您好,我刚才尝试了这个方法,报错似乎变得不一样了: (graphgpt) root@e2b5ff656edd:~/nas/GraphGPT# bash graphgpt_stage1.sh graphgpt_stage1.sh: line 8: wandb: command not found WARNING:__main__: *** Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable for each process to be...
Describe the bug The wandb.watch() causes the exception below when we want to save the model using torch.save(). There exists workaround (passing to torch.save() an argument: pickle_module=dill) but when log_graph=True is used in the wan...
❔Question when I was runing ,module 'wandb' has no attribute 'run' occurred,I don't know why? Additional context