{ ^ ReferenceError: module is not defined at file:///home/coenraad/claude-artifact-runner/tailwind.config.js:2:1 at ModuleJobSync.runSync (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:367:35) at ModuleLoader.importSyncForRequire (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:325:47) at loadESMFromCJS (node:...
{ "@sveltejs/adapter-vercel": "^2.0.4", "@sveltejs/kit": "^1.8.3", "@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio": "^0.4.2", "@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.3", "@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.5.9", "@trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports": "^4.0.0", "@types/events": "^3.0.0", "@types/...
ReferenceError: module is not defined in ES module scope This file is being treated as an ES module because it has a '.js' file extension and 'D:\WebProject\imooc-front\package.json' contains "type": "module". To treat it as a CommonJS script, rename it to use the '.cjs' file e...
module.exports= { plugins: [require("tailwindcss"), require("autoprefixer")], }; 在默认使用vite创建的项目中,package.json文件中有一个配置为"type": "module",这时对应ECMAScript的语法规范,会使用ES Module模块的方式处理代码,对应的关键词为export和import,代码如下所示: exportdefault{plugins: {tailwind...
Screereader text isn’t in too much danger of that, but a quick example from the Tailwind docs should illustrate that point: It’s a matter of preference, really. But back to mixins! The deal is that we can use utility classes almost as little CSS snippets to build out other style ...
8:31:22 PM: warn - Tailwind is not purging unused styles because no template paths have been provided. 8:31:22 PM: warn - If you have manually configured PurgeCSS outside of Tailwind or are deliberately not removing unused styles, set `purge: false` in your Tailwind config file to silen...
I set up a React project with TypeScript using create-react-app and integrated Tailwind CSS. Initially, I set up paths in tsconfig.json as follows: "compilerOptions":{ "paths": {"@/*":[ "./*"]} } and defined aliases in component.json like this: "aliases": { "components": "@...
Runtime Modules: @nuxtjs/tailwindcss@6.8.0, @vueuse/nuxt@10.1.2, @pinia/nuxt@0.4.11, @nuxt/image@1.0.0-rc.1, nuxt-simple-sitemap@2.7.0 Build Modules: - Reproduction Operating System: Linux Node Version: v16.20.0 Nuxt Version: 3.6.5 Nitro Version: - Package Manager: npm@9.4.2 Bui...
tailwindcss tapable temp-dir tempy terminal-link terser-webpack-plugin terser test-exclude text-table throat thunky timsort tiny-invariant tiny-warning tmpl to-fast-properties to-regex-range toidentifier tough-cookie tr46 tryer tsconfig-paths tslib tsutils type-check type-de...
tailwindcss (source) devDependencies pin ^3.4.1 -> 3.4.1 terser-webpack-plugin devDependencies pin ^5.3.9 -> 5.3.10 ts-jest (source) devDependencies pin ^29.1.1 -> 29.1.2 ts-jest (source) devDependencies pin ^29.1.0 -> 29.1.2 ts-loader devDependencies pin ^9.4.2 -> 9.5.1 typescri...