laytan/tailwind-sorter.nvim : sort tailwind classes ledesmablt/vim-run : Run, view, and manage UNIX shell commands with ease llllvvuu/nvim-js-actions : ts actions on javascript code max397574/lua-dev.nvim : Dev setup for init.lua and plugin development mhartington/formatter.nvim : A ...
import{ ViteSSG }from'vite-ssg'import{ setupLayouts }from'virtual:generated-layouts'importAppfrom'./App.vue'importtype{ UserModule }from'./types'-importgeneratedRoutesfrom'~pages'+import{ routes }from'vue-router/auto-routes'import'@unocss/reset/tailwind.css'import'./styles/main.css'import'uno...
If the manifest field is included, no additional page loads will occur when the plugin is run. If the manifest field is omitted, then running the plugin will trigger additional page loads in files with more than one page. The first time the plugin is run after a user opens a file, the...
"tailwindcss": "3.2.4", "postcss": "8.4.21", "autoprefixer": "10.4.13", "postcss-important-startstop": "2.0.0", "@tailwindcss/container-queries": "0.1.0", "postcss-import": "15.1.0", "postcss-nested": "6.0.0", "@tailwindcss/nesting": "0.0.0-insiders.565cd3e", "pinia":...
Some classes in tailwind have counterparts with the same name and since interpreting arbitrary values is not supported on the current version, they won't be detected properly. There are two major differences:The plugin doesn't support arbitrary values in any way for the certain class. Even when...
import{tailwind}from"@alik6/bun-tailwind-plugin";import{build}from"bun";build({entrypoints:["src/main.tsx"],// If not explicitly set in 'outputFile', defaults to 'outdir/' if defined, otherwise 'dist/'.outdir:"dist/",plugins:[tailwind({// tailwind ConfigurationtailwindConfig:{content:[...
Analog is the meta-framework for building applications and websites withAngular. Similar to other meta-frameworks such as Next.JS, Nuxt, SvelteKit, Qwik City, and others, Analog provides a similar experience, building on top of Angular.
tailwind: true;Uses extractors needed for parsing tailwind class names. Enable if you are using tailwindcss. default: falsedevelopEnable plugin while using gatsby develop. develop: booleandevelop: true;This does not print the total css removed. To see what is being removed, use it with the ...
// vite.config.jsimportssrfrom'vite-plugin-ssr/plugin'importWindiCSSfrom'vite-plugin-windicss'exportdefault{plugins: [ssr(),WindiCSS({scan: {// By default only `src/` is scanneddirs: ["pages"],// We only have to specify the file extensions we actually use.fileExtensions: ["vue","...