在Vue中遇到"module 'vue' has no exported member 'ref'"这个错误,通常意味着你正在尝试从Vue库中导入一个不存在的成员ref。这个问题可能由几个原因引起,下面我将逐一解释并提供解决方案: 确认Vue版本: ref是Vue 3 Composition API的一部分,它并不是Vue 2的一部分。因此,首先确认你正在使用的Vue版本。如果你...
2024-03-06 Module '"@nestjs/platform-express"' has no exported member 'ExpressModule'.找不到ExpressModule这个模块 问题描述:nestjs后端开发,遇到跨域问题,打算用express来配合处理,结果引入express的一个模块失败。 app.modules.ts import { MiddlewareConsumer, Module, NestModule } from '@nestjs/common';...
编译报错“Module 'xxx' has no exported member 'yyy'” 问题现象 Stage模板工程编译构建失败,提示 "Module 'xxx' has no expor……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
Hello, Apparently, when using typescript, the Types export from index.js is not being resolved. I assume this is because it's missing from the index.d.ts file. However, logging out Types works as expected, even if it says that it's missi...
The original question/problem we work on is about '~/src/app/app.module' has no exported member 'AppModule', and it has been resolved. The question now is ToastrService related, so I recommend that you can accept the helpful replies as answer to close this thread and open a new thread...
tsconfig.json,tsconfig.app.json,tsconfig.node.json都要加 "compilerOptions.moduleResolution":"node", 然后重启vscode
报错: Module '"./src/main/ets/component/lib/dto/test1"' has no exported member 'test1'. Did...
主要是TS2307: Cannot find module、TS2305: Module XXX has no exported member 之类的提示。 可是代码检查完全正确,那么原因到底在哪? 网上找了一圈也没有答案。 盯着VSCode中的项目文件列表看了一会儿,忽然发现了问题:有个叫做OPEN EDITORS的版块,记录了当前打开的文件,并提示有4个文件没保存。
1、vue3项目能运行,但是会报一堆vue引用方法的错,’Module '"../node_modules/vue/dist/vue"' has no exported member 'reactive'.’,‘’Module '"../node_modules/vue/dist/vue"' has no exported member 'toRefs '.’ import{defineComponent,reactive,toRefs}from'vue' ...
TS2305: Module ‘"…/…/node_modules/vue/dist/vue"’ has no exported member xxxx = - = 大概就描述成这样吧,关键字够多应该就能搜到了。 原因: typescript 3.9.3版本问题,更新为typecript4.3.5版本解决。 解决: 具体操作: 删掉node_modules; ...