针对你遇到的 TypeScript 错误 ts2614: module '"vue"' has no exported member 'reactive'. did you mean to use,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 确认vue版本是否支持reactive: reactive 是Vue 3 中引入的 Composition API 的一部分。如果你正在使用 Vue 2,那么你将无法使用 reactive,因为它在 Vue...
TS2305: Module ‘"…/…/node_modules/vue/dist/vue"’ has no exported member xxxx = - = 大概就描述成这样吧,关键字够多应该就能搜到了。 原因: typescript 3.9.3版本问题,更新为typecript4.3.5版本解决。 解决: 具体操作: 删掉node_modules; 删掉package-lock.json; 修改package.json 文件中typescrip...
1、vue3项目能运行,但是会报一堆vue引用方法的错,’Module '"../node_modules/vue/dist/vue"' has no exported member 'reactive'.’,‘’Module '"../node_modules/vue/dist/vue"' has no exported member 'toRefs '.’ import{defineComponent,reactive,toRefs}from'vue' 2、网上百度说是typescript版本...
Module ‘".vue"’ has no exported member ‘RulesProps’. Did you mean to use 'import RulesProps from ".vue"’ instead? 32 | defineComponent, reactive 33 | } from ‘vue’ 34 | import ValidateInput, { RulesProps } from ‘@/components/ValidateInput.vue’ RulesProps 这个 类型不能从子组件...
vue 引入ts文件后,报TS2614: Module '"~/api/common"' has no exported member 'getList'. Did you mean to use 'import getList from "~/api/common"' instead? 先安装yarn add @typescript-eslint/parser -D 然后在.eslintrc配置文件中加入
When compiling from Typescript down to JS, I get the following error:error TS2305: Module '"@prisma/client"' has no exported member 'Prisma'. This only happens when building a Docker image. When building locally on my host I have no issues. ...
当 Node.js Server 项目越来越大时,将数据和数据库整理规范是很难的,所以从一开始就有一个好的开发...
Module '"bluebird"' has no exported member '_'. import * as Promise from 'bluebird'; compile on both CommonJS and SystemJS, but crashes during execution, on some functions that directly use Promise as constructor import Promise = require ('bluebird') old syntax compiles on both CommonJS an...
Code: import{GLTF,GLTFLoader}from'three-stdlib' You will get compile errors via TSC like this: src/Scene.tsx:17:16 - error TS2305: Module'"three-stdlib"'has no exported member'GLTFLoader'. You can work around the bug by switching your tsconfig.json to something like this instead: ...
Module '"vue"' has no exported member 'ref' - Get Help Hey, I created NUXT project with typescript and when I am trying to use ref this error pops out. Module '“vue”' has no...Read more > no exported member named 'DefineComponent' - ERROR in /path/to/node_modules...