npm i --save module-alias Usage Add your custom configuration to yourpackage.json(in your application's root) // Aliases"_moduleAliases":{"@root":".",// Application's root"@deep":"src/some/very/deep/directory/or/file","@my_module":"lib/some-file.js","something":"src/foo",// ...
npm install --save-dev typescript-module-alias install with yarn: yarn add typescript-module-alias -dev Quickstart on command line npx typescript-module-alias ./test/a.ts package.json scripts development "scripts": { "dev": "typescript-module-alias ./test/a.ts" } ...
一、安装module-alias $ npm installmodule-alias--save 二、使用module-alias 注:这里@root就是别名,后面引号内的内容就是原路径 "_moduleAliases": { "@root": ".", "@app": "app" }, 配置文件引入require(‘module-alias/register’); require('module-alias/register');importBaseControllerfrom'@root...
You can usemodule-aliaswithin another NPM package, however there are a few things to take into consideration. As the aliases are global, you should make sure your aliases are unique, to avoid conflicts with end-user code, or with other libraries using module-alias. For example, you could ...
Just create an alias and do it cleanly: varmodule=require('@deep/module')// Or ES6importmodulefrom'@deep/module' You can setup aliases both to individual files and to directories. WARNINGUse this module only in final applications. It will not work inside published npm packages. ...
$ npm install --save-dev babel babel-plugin-module-alias Specify the plugin in your.babelrcwith the custom mapping. {"plugins": [ ["module-alias", [ {"src":"./src/utils","expose":"utils"}, {"src":"./src/components","expose":"awesome/components"}, ...
browser | package.json | npm Docs 使用方法 { "browser": "./index.browser.js" } browser(字符串) 将代替 main, module。 另一种对象的写法,键名(Key)匹配被访问的路径,键值(Value)则是实际路径: { "main": "./index.js", "module": "./index.mjs", "browser": { "./index.js": "./inde...
- 安装完Node.js会自动安装NPM(Node Package Manager):包管理工具; - Win + R , 输入cmd ,打开dos命令行,输入node -v查看NodeJS版本号; 使用淘宝的镜像网址 npm config set registry 安装cnpm npm install -g cnpm ...
学习文档: alias
npmrundev 二:添加多项目模块 把src目录下的文件换成多模块的形式 build:编译、运行相关脚本文件 config:编译、运行相关配置文件 static:不需要编译的静态资源,放到对应的模块目录下 子模块1 子模块2 ... src:项目源码 comm:公共模块script:公共js文件components:公共组件子模块1:assets:样式、图片等资源文件common...