require('module-alias/register') And you're all set!Now you can do stuff like: require('something')constmodule=require('@root/some-module')constveryDeepModule=require('@deep/my-module')constcustomModule=require('my_private_module')// module from `node_modules_custom` directory// Or ES6impo...
require('module-alias/register') And you're all set!Now you can do stuff like: require('something')constmodule=require('@root/some-module')constveryDeepModule=require('@deep/my-module')constcustomModule=require('my_private_module')// module from `node_modules_custom` directory// Or ES6impo...
set_alias("name","value"); is_loaded("modulename"); source("shelltype", "/path/to/"); add_bin_to_info("binary_name"); deprecated("YYYY-MM-DD"); Note: When using add_bin_to_info (you can add it multiple times to your scripts),module info <modulename>wi...
Set-Alias Creates or changes an alias for a cmdlet or other command in the current PowerShell session. Set-Date Changes the system time on the computer to a time that you specify. Set-MarkdownOption Sets the colors and styles used for rendering Markdown content in the console. Set-PS...
public function setAliases($mappings){ foreach($mappings as $name=>$alias) { if(($path=Yii::getPathOfAlias($alias))!==false) Yii::setPathOfAlias($name,$path); else Yii::setPathOfAlias($name,$alias); }} Defines the root aliases.set...
Import-Module [-Global] [-Prefix <String>] [-Name] <String[]> [-Function <String[]>] [-Cmdlet <String[]>] [-Variable <String[]>] [-Alias <String[]>] [-Force] [-SkipEditionCheck] [-PassThru] [-AsCustomObject] [-MinimumVersion <Version>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-Re...
[-Alias <string[]>] [-ArgumentList <Object[]>] [-AsCustomObject] [-Cmdlet <string[]>] [-DisableNameChecking] [-Force] [-Function <string[]>] [-Global] [-PassThru] [-Prefix <string>] [-Variable <string[]>] [-Version <Version>] [<CommonParameters>] Import-Module [-ModuleInfo]...
Import-Module [-Name] <string[]> [-Alias <string[]>] [-ArgumentList <Object[]>] [-AsCustomObject] [-Cmdlet <string[]>] [-Force] [-Function <string[]>] [-Global] [-PassThru] [-Prefix <string>] [-Variable <string[]>] [-Version <Version>] [<CommonParameters>] Import-Module ...
Alias /a /b <Location /a> The <Location> directive limits the scope of the enclosed directives by URL (the URL is the virtual path used to access a resource), and is similar to the <Directory> and <Proxy> directives, and starts a subsection which is terminated with a </Location> ...
set dist dir default the dist dir is 'dist' "scripts": { "build": "typescript-module-alias-build ./test --out-dir release" } Finally, that will build to "release" dir Example tsconfig.json {"compileOnSave":true,"compilerOptions": {"module":"commonjs","moduleResolution":"node","es...