SAP ABAP通过 工作区修改内表用法(MODIFY) "MODIFI 内表名 FROM 结构(如果同名,可以不要 FROM GT_TAB) TRANSPORTING 要修改的字段名 WHERE 字段名= 新值。 MODIFY gt_tabFROM gt_tabTRANSPORTING vtweg_mcWHERE vtweg= <vtweg1>-vtweg. *查询渠道SELECTvtweg, vtextINTOTABLE@DATA(vtweg1)FROMtvtwtWHERE...
address-city = 'Beijing'. READ TABLE company_tab WITH TABLE KEY name = 'Beijing CaoYa Co. Ltd' INTO company. READ TABLE company-addresses TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH TABLE KEY city = address-city. idx = sy-tabix. MODIFY company-addresses FROM address INDEX idx. MODIFY TABLE company_tab FR...
SAP ABAP 07(中日版)MODIFY命令 1 收藏 简述:MODIFY命令的作用,数据重复会变更,不重复就插入。 ①外表DB数据库 单行 变更/插入 ②外表DB数据库 复数行 变更/插入 ③内表 单行 变更/插入 ④内表 复数行 变更/插入 REPORT ZMODIFY1. *構造の作成 DATA Z_TEST TYPE T100. DATA TA1 TYPE TABLE OF T100....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I have values of VKBD in Intrenal table I_VBKD and have an another internal table I_FINAL. I need to modify a field in the standard table using BAPI. Conditins are as below : if COLA/Economic change date = u201800000000u2018. "SPACE Change VBK...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Upon some condition i need to change the values fo the standard table. How can i achive this without using BAPI. Records will be in Final table with VBELN. Can i achive this with modify statement. Please explain. loop at i_final to wa_...
1、修改内表一行数据,这是MODIFY的常见用法 MODIFY itab [FROM wa] [INDEX idx] [TRANSPORTING f1 ...
DELETE (ABAP Keyword) introduction & syntax details DELETE Delete from a database table – DELETE FROM dbtab WHERE condition.– DELETE... IMPORT (ABAP Keyword) IMPORT is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming. This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. IMPORT IMPORT –... ...
To insert or modify a single row in a database table, use the following syntax - MODIFYdb-tableFROMwork-area. db-tableis the name of a ABAP Dictionary database table andwork-areais the table work area. The work areawork-areadata are written to the database tabledb-table. The work ar...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI, You have to put all data into your internal table from your workarea and then you have to apply modify command. MOVE : '1'o TO lwa_account-acc_no, 'aaa' TO lwa_account-cust_id, 'abc' TO lwa_account-acc_type, 'Yes' TO lwa_account-od_opt...
DATA itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF demo_bulk_modify WITH EMPTY KEY. itab = VALUE #( ( k1 = 1 k2 = 2 v1 = 1 ) ( k1 = 1 k2 = 1 v1 = 2 ) ). MODIFY demo_bulk_modify FROM TABLE itab. "platform dependent! SELECT *