SAP ABAP通过 工作区修改内表用法(MODIFY) "MODIFI 内表名 FROM 结构(如果同名,可以不要 FROM GT_TAB) TRANSPORTING 要修改的字段名 WHERE 字段名= 新值。 MODIFY gt_tabFROM gt_tabTRANSPORTING vtweg_mcWHERE vtweg= <vtweg1>-vtweg. *查询渠道SELECTvtweg, vtextINTOTABLE@DATA(vtweg1)FROMtvtwtWHERE...
address-city = 'Beijing'. READ TABLE company_tab WITH TABLE KEY name = 'Beijing CaoYa Co. Ltd' INTO company. READ TABLE company-addresses TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH TABLE KEY city = address-city. idx = sy-tabix. MODIFY company-addresses FROM address INDEX idx. MODIFY TABLE company_tab FR...
SAP ABAP 07(中日版)MODIFY命令 1 收藏 简述:MODIFY命令的作用,数据重复会变更,不重复就插入。 ①外表DB数据库 单行 变更/插入 ②外表DB数据库 复数行 变更/插入 ③内表 单行 变更/插入 ④内表 复数行 变更/插入 REPORT ZMODIFY1. *構造の作成 DATA Z_TEST TYPE T100. DATA TA1 TYPE TABLE OF T100....
Unlike the processing of a hashed table when a primary key is used, a preceding sort using the statementSORThas no influence on the processing order when a secondary hash key is specified. If a secondary table key is specified, anyWHEREcondition must beoptimizable. Otherwise a syntax error occu...
1、修改内表一行数据,这是MODIFY的常见用法 MODIFY itab [FROM wa] [INDEX idx] [TRANSPORTING f1 ...
the MODIFY statement is a very powerfull yet simple process to perform. The ABAP code snippets below demonstrate various differnet ways of using the ABAP MODIFY statement. First it populates an intenal table with data and then performs the following functionality on it using the MODIFY syntax: ...
To insert or modify a single row in a database table, use the following syntax - MODIFYdb-tableFROMwork-area. db-tableis the name of a ABAP Dictionary database table andwork-areais the table work area. The work areawork-areadata are written to the database tabledb-table. The work ar...
DELETE (ABAP Keyword) introduction & syntax details DELETE Delete from a database table – DELETE FROM dbtab WHERE condition.– DELETE... IMPORT (ABAP Keyword) IMPORT is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming. This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. IMPORT IMPORT –... ...
ABAP 740 has many new features. This new feature Table Expressions are also powerful and reduce the “code clutter”. There are two type of them: For Reading the data– These are known asReader Positions. This would do the same job as you do with the READ statement, but without using ...
Syntax ... { table_key | index } FROM wa [TRANSPORTING comp1 comp2 ...] [result]. Addition: ... TRANSPORTING comp1 comp2 ...Effect In this variant, the statement MODIFY assigns the content of work area wa to a row specified by a table key in table_key or by a row number ...