"If Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she got mono for a few months and then tell everyone the baby's yours?" - Alex 出自S01E01, 14’51”要是Haley怀孕了,你会不会假装她得了几个月的病然后告诉别人孩子是你的? jinlingxiaodi Mitchell 7 我晕……熟(河蟹)女,再不行我疯了下一...
First of all, it would be really cool to see Haley that fat, and how awesome would it be to have a fake little brother who's really my nephew? Haley is not getting pregnant! I'm just saying if. => 首先,看到哈利这个胖子真的很酷,有一个真正的小兄弟真的是我的侄子有多棒?海莉没有...
-Sure. So, you know, if Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she has mono for a few months, and then, like, tell everyone the baby's yours? - What? - This senior at school was "Out sick" for four months, but Jenna swears she saw her breast-feeding at a coin-op car was...
ModernFamily第1季 S01E01 Kids,breakfast!孩子们吃早饭了 Kids?孩子们 Phil,wouldyougetthem?菲尔把他们叫下来好吗 Yeah.Justasec.好等一下 Kids!孩子们 -Thatis-Okay. -这真是-算了 Kids?Getdownhere!孩子们快下来 Whyareyouguysyellingatuswhenwe’rewayup-stairs? 我们远在楼上你们喊也没用 -Justtext...
First of all, it would be really cool to see Haley that fat. 首先 看海莉怀孕变胖还蛮爽的 And how awesome would it be 更酷的是 to have a fake little brother who's really my nephew. 多了个假弟弟 实际上是我亲外甥. Haley is not getting pregnant. ...
Phil and Claire get the dreaded late night call that Haley has been arrested for under-aged drinking, so they bring Mitchell, the family lawyer, in tow to the police station. Cameron stays back to watch over Alex and Luke, but they get into some crazy mishaps under his care. Meanwhile,...
- No, you're not! You're telling your family you've adopted a baby, tonight. And you do have avoidings issues! Are you really not hearing this things? Don't answer it, i'll get it! Heey, you must be Dylan. - Hey, Dylan, yeah. I'm Haley's mother. Hey, come on, let's ...
我们家就挺冷静的 My family is really chill? 就不该让你来 You were a mistake. 好了 卢克拖住了海莉 Okay, Haley's being occupied by Luke 所以我们还有些时间 so we have some time. 我们得找到迪兰 We just have to find Dylan 不能让海莉知道他跑掉了 without letting Haley know he'...
whenAlexmovedbackhome.家里人满为患了 Shequitherfancyjob她离开洋气的工作 forsomethinglow-payingandethical!去做了低薪但道德高尚的工作 Yay.好棒棒 Betweenher,Luke,Dylan,Haley,andthetwins,有她卢克迪兰海莉还有俩双胞胎 thingshavedevolvedintototalchaos.家里退化回了混乱时代 ...
modern.family.s02e03天呐娘亲啊Oh, my god. Mom. 派对就在离家不远处The party is like around the block. 我就出去两小时I'll be gone for two hours. 那可是两小时啊能用来学多少东西啊Yeah. That is two hours you could've spent studying. 我整个周末都在看书看书看书I had been studying all ...