"If Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she got mono for a few months and then tell everyone the baby's yours?" - Alex 出自S01E01, 14’51”要是Haley怀孕了,你会不会假装她得了几个月的病然后告诉别人孩子是你的? jinlingxiaodi Mitchell 7 我晕……熟(河蟹)女,再不行我疯了下一...
MODERN FAMILY SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 Buddy, why do you keep getting stuk like this? I can get out this time. I'm just gonna say it he needs to be checked by a specialist. There! Be free, Excalibur! I'm having a friend over today. - Who? You don't know him. - Him? Oeh, a ...
So, you know if Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she got mono for a few months and then tell everyone the baby's yours? What? A senior at school was out sick for four months, but she was out breastfeeding in an cleanup carwash. => 所以,你知道如果海莉怀孕了,你会假装她...
Episode 7 Arrested Wed, Nov 7, 2012 22 mins Phil and Claire get the dreaded late night call that Haley has been arrested for under-aged drinking, so they bring Mitchell, the family lawyer, in tow to the police station. Cameron stays back to watch over Alex and Luke, but they get into...
this of course is the way of the situation comedy, but many of them seemed quite outlandish rather than being organic from the life of a family. That said – they mostly still work when they are on the screen, and it is only after as I though back through the episodes that I felt ...
Modern Family -- Season 1 Episode 2 -- The Bicycle Thief -What's the key to being a great dad? Ah, that's a tough one. -Giving them the freedom to be whatever they want to be. Whether that's a painter, a poet, a pilot, a president of a company or of a country. ...
MODERNFAMILYSEASON1EPISODE1Buddy,whydoyoukeepgettingstuklikethis?I cangetoutthistime. I'mjustgonnasay it he needs to be checked by a specialist. There! Be free, Excalibur! I'm having a friend over today. -Who? You don't know him. ...
ABC'sModern Familyis known for its many plot twists. A jarring situation occurs in every episode, causing the Dunphys, Delgado-Pritchetts, and Tucker-Pritchetts to panic and frantically search for a solution. Watching these families dig themselves out of the hole they dug themselves into is pa...
Mitchell: What? Cameron: She's got the creampuffs. Mitchell: Oh! Cameron: We would like to pay for everyone's headsets. [MODERN FAMILY - SEASON 1 EPISODE 1] Phil: Buddy, why do you keep getting stuck like this? Luke: I thought I could get out this time. ...
Season 1-2 1/60 v•e•dModern Familycharacters Main characters Phil Dunphy•Claire Dunphy•Haley Marshall•Alex Dunphy•Luke Dunphy•Dylan Marshall•Jay Pritchett•Gloria Pritchett•Manny Delgado•Joe Pritchett•Mitchell Pritchett•Cameron Tucker•Lily Tucker-Pritchett• [PETS]:Lar...