The moderator band in the heart of the ox and goat contains bundles of Purkinje fibers and nerve fibers separated by connective tissue. The axons are mostly unmyelinated and embedded in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells.Small bundles of axons run close to the Purkinje fibers. The axons dilate into...
H. Jensen, L. Holtet, and R. Hoen, "Nerve Purkinje fiber rela- tionship in the moderator band of bovine and caprine heart," Cell and Tissue Research, vol. 188, no. 1, pp. 11-18, 1978.JENSEN, H., HOLTET, L., HOEN, R. (1978) Nerve-Purkinje fiber relationship in the moderator...
Wray, J.D., Gajanayake, J. and Smith, S.H. (2007) Congestive Heart Failure Asso- ciated with a Large Transverse Left Ventricular Moderator Band in Cats. Journal Feline Medicine Surgery, 9, 56-60.
Meat production performance is one of the most important factors in determining the economic value of poultry. Myofiber is the basic unit of skeletal muscle, and its physical and chemical properties determine the meat quality of livestock and poultry to