In one heart, it gave rise to a single chorda which replaced the anterior papillary muscle. In another heart the band gave origin to two papillary muscles. The varied nomenclature and possible function of the moderator band are discussed. Its role in fixation of endocardial leads, causation ...
The moderator band in the heart of the ox and goat contains bundles of Purkinje fibers and nerve fibers separated by connective tissue. The axons are mostly unmyelinated and embedded in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells.Small bundles of axons run close to the Purkinje fibers. The axons dilate into...
1 BSpotlight graph^ of the linear relationship between the conditional slopes and the moderator, with its 95 % confidence band. Highlighted points are described in the text point than at any other value of Z in the graph, again because it is a prediction beyond the range of the data, far...
One example is PVCs originating from the moderator band (MB) within the right ventricle (RV) of the heart. We present a case of PVCs originating from the MB triggering idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (VF) and electrical storm. Case: A previously healthy 49-year-old woman was admitted ...
Necropsy findings included increased cardiac weight, the division of the left ventricle by a large trabecular band composed of connective tissue and cardiac myofibres consistent with a moderator band, nodular thickening of the mitral valve, left atrial dilation, and fibroplasia/fibrosis of the left ...
H. Jensen, L. Holtet, and R. Hoen, "Nerve Purkinje fiber rela- tionship in the moderator band of bovine and caprine heart," Cell and Tissue Research, vol. 188, no. 1, pp. 11-18, 1978.JENSEN, H., HOLTET, L., HOEN, R. (1978) Nerve-Purkinje fiber relationship in the moderator...
we reported thatPPARGC1Awas highly expressed in slow-twitch myofibers.PPARGC1Afacilitated mitochondrial biogenesis and regulated skeletal muscle metabolism by mediating the flux of glycolysis and the TCA cycle. Gain- and loss-of-function analyses revealed thatPPARGC1Apromoted intramuscular fatty acid oxid...
The results show a significant model for the firstBand thirdSsEt.eps, the thBird with a value F(4206) = 3.38S4t,epp 1< 0.01R; 2w=it0h.03a.n∆RR22 ==00..0036. ,pt=ha0.t0i1s a limited amount of explained variance controlling severity, the influence of RC in th(Ce oinsctr...