Modelling of transient liquid phase bonding. Zhou Y,Gale W F,North T H. International Management . 1995Zhou Y,Gale W F,North T H.Modelling of transient liquid phase bonding. International Management . 1995ZHOU Y, GALE W F, NORTH T H. Modelling of transi2 ent liquid phase bonding[ J ...
Modelling of transient liquid phase bonding in binary Systems:A new parametric study[J].Materials Science and Engineering A:Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing,2007,(445-446):493-500.doi:10.1016/j.msea.2006.09.090.
A fixed-grid numerical modelling of transient liquid phase bonding and other diffusion controlled phase changes. J Mater Sci 2010;45(9):2340e50.J. F. Li,P. A. Agyakwa,C. M. Johnson.A fixed-grid numerical modelling of transient liquid phase bonding and other diffusion-controlled phase ...
An extensive number of experiments were conducted on a 90-ft-long, 4.5 in. 8 in. full-scale flow loop to simulate field conditions. The flow configurations are analyzed. A solid–liquid two-phase flow configuration map is proposed. Significant difference is found between the pressure......
liquid and amorphous GST configurations, mostly added during early iterations (Fig.1b, yellow). Area (5) reflects phase-transition snapshots, added during the domain-specific series (Fig.1b, red); accordingly, the points are located between the fully ordered and fully disordered regions of the...
Han et al. [14, 34] performed two-phase simulations to weigh the effect of liquid water on the ejector efficiency. In [14], results showed an increase in temperature (due to latent heat of vaporization), lower velocity, and higher pressure of the gas phase due to condensation, resulting ...
North, Modelling of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding, Int. Mater. Rev. , 1995, 40 , p 181Y. Zhou, W.F. Gale, and T.H. North, “Modelling of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding,” International Materials Reviews, Vol. 40, No. 5, 1995. pp. 181–196...
The effect of powder transition to liquid and then solid on the temperature evolution, melt pool dimension had been investigated by Yin et al. [27]. Transient temperature, thermal and residual stress fields together with warpage were simulated by Dai and Shaw [28] also with the inclusion of ...
The approximation is valid for long relaxation times in comparison with the duration of the transient energy exchange between the adsorbate and its medium. Very briefly, in the presence of a monochromatic electromagnetic field E of frequency Ω, the evolution equation for the reduced density ρ in...