Modelling in science education and learningdoi:10.4995/MSEL.2018.9727Gómez UrgellésJoan Vicen
J. and Verloop, N. Experienced teachers' knowledge of teaching and learning of models and modeling in science education Int. J. Sci. Educ., 24, (12), 1255-1272Van Driel, J.H., & Verloop, N. (2002). Experienced teachers' knowledge of teaching and learning of models and modelling in...
Learning how to model in science classroom: key teacher's role in supporting the development of students' modelling skills Modelling is a key process in the development of scientific knowledge. In order to conduct a more authentic science education, i.e., to make the processes ... J Rosária...
Teaching, in this conception, is more like a “booster” to learning than a complete determinant. Such a view fits within a system’s perspective on education as a hierarchical structure, in which there is a loose coupling between the higher and lower levels, and considerably autonomy in the...
Modelling is a central aspect of the research process in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) which occurs in the cognitive context of an interactive balance between theory, experiment and computation. The STEM learning processes should then also involve modelling in environments where...
1.1Concepts which teachers hold about the application of 3D modelling and printing in teaching The level of the adoption of 3DMP in pre-university teaching is still low, both because of the lack of adequate technological education and the prevailing conceptions of secondary school teachers about thi...
In this paper, the role of modelling in the teaching and learning of science is reviewed. In order to represent what is entailed in modelling, a 'model of modelling' framework is proposed. Five phases in moving towards a full capability in modelling are established by a review of the litera...
(2011) Rasch modelling of mathematics and science teachers' preferences of real-life situations to be used in mathematical literacy. Pythagoras, 32(1): 30-38.Julie, C., Holtman, L., & Mbekwa, M. (2011). Rasch modeling of mathematics and science teachers' preferences of real-life ...
Scaffolding in technology-enhanced science education This dissertation focuses on the effectiveness of scaffolding in technology-enhanced science learning environments, and specifically the relative merits of computer- and teacher-based scaffolding in science inquiry. Scaffolding is an ins... HL Wu 被引量...
The best 3D modeling software for beginners should be free, easy to use, and highly accessible so as many people as possible can try their hand at a skill that is in demand, fun, and empowering. For 3D design and learning associated electronics circuits and code,Tinkercadchecks all the box...