These projects focus on ensuring the data reaches all access points, whereas the MULE architecture tries to deliver data to only one access point. The next section gives an overview of the MULE architecture. The rest of the paper focuses on modeling the system to obtain initial insights into ...
集群无人系统(swarm unmanned system, SUS)可以看作是一个“网络–物理–智能”的系统[1], 不单单是固定组件的集合, 而是由传感器、计算机、通信设备和智能执行单元组成的系统, 用于执行实现特定任务目标的任务. 这些系统通常允许其他系统、设备和数据流在执行任务期间根据需要连接/断开连接, 其网络结构动态可变, 形...
Therefore, it is necessary to identify the risk associated with collision when the vehicle changes lane, which could significantly reduce the large number of accidents caused by vehicle lane-changing movements. 3. Main problem and system methodology The collision risk associated with vehicle lane-...
It is common to periodically insert a pooling layer between successive convolutional layers in a CNN architecture. A pooling layer’s function is to progressively reduce the representation’s spatial size to reduce the number of parameters and computations in the network and control overfitting [40,4...
Identification of significant gaps in existing literature in the context of energy-aware Cloud–Edge system models. Identification of the key research challenges to integrating energy considerations into models of multi-provider Cloud–Edge infrastructures. Introduction of a high-level architecture and resea...
Autodesk is one of the global leaders in designing software and services and offering productive business solutions to customers through powerful technology products and services. It serves customers in architecture, engineering, and construction; product design and manufacturing; and digital media and ent...
Performance evaluation of GIS-based new ensemble data mining techniques of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) [21] with genetic algorithm (GA), differential evolution (DE), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) for landslide spatial modelling. Catena 157, 310-324. [22] Chen, W.,...
The control objective is achieved by having a cascaded double-loop architecture. The outer loop controls the horizontal translational position of the quadrotor slung-load system and commands the desired values of 0 and 8 by small angles as inputs to the inner loop. The inner loop then achieves...
The present work is aimed at illustrating a hybrid analytical/numerical methodology that could be used at the early-design stage to predict the tonal noise of an axial-flow fan surrounded by solid surfaces. A model shrouded helicopter tail-rotor architecture is selected as a typical example of ...
Generate system description produced by the systems engineering team, including objectives and goals, high-level technical requirements, system architecture, and functional or behavioral description in a tool-based medium such as SysML. Step (2): Using those model artifacts the blue team conducts a ...