Performance in many racing sports depends on the ability of the athletes to produce and maintain the highest possible work i.e., the highest power for the duration of the race. To model this energy production in an individualized way, an adaptation and a reinterpretation (including a physiologic...
In earlier work, a fundamental mathematical model was proposed for side-blowing operation in the argon oxygen decarburization (AOD) process. In the preceding part “Derivation of the Model,” a new mathematical model was proposed for reactions during top-blowing in the AOD process. In this model...
One modification had to be made here to Bird’s latest formulation (Bird and Hulstrom, 1981b), because of intervening changes in turbidity measurement practice. At the time this model was developed, the aerosol optical depth (AOD) was measured by sunphotometers with at most two channels, cen...
In practice, experimenter may determine agonist affinity for the receptor in a different kind of experiments, ivoalliugeantrdembiennddionugs. lTyhreedimucpeadcftitoefrfrioxrin. FgoKr AdatotasseimtsuCla, tDedanvdaluEewiisthsutmhemhaigrihzeesdt oinpeTraabtiloen 2a.lFeifxfiic...
The Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithm has been developed to retrieve AOD measurements from raw MODIS data at 1 km × 1 km resolution, especially for conditions of dark vegetated surfaces or bright backgrounds, where conventional AOD retrieval algorithms may...
Try to practice a little bit with make up and blush. Practice makes perfect. I would try to change the hair strand on her left side, because it looks like this hair strand intersects with other parts of her hair. In a T-shape like this, the elbow looks a bit different. Think of ...
The model, which permits visual observation of reaction zones and data collection without interruption of blowing, can be charged with the same raw materials and blown at specific oxygen rates equivalent to or greater than those used in plant practice. The fluid dynamic factors that govern blowing...
Mathematical modeling of the argon-oxygen decarburization refining process of stainless steel: Part II. Application of the model to industrial practice The mathematical model proposed and presented in Part I of the present work has been used to deal with and analyze the austenitic stainless steel mak...
In practice, eNodeB sectors and UEs will be equipped with antenna arrays, each consisting of one or more antenna elements (conf. Fig. 2). Note that an eNodeB comprises a base band processing unit and can serve multiple sectors or cells. This contribution outlines as follows. A brief ...
Therefore, the development of preclinical human models is of paramount importance. Ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) has typically been used to recondition donor lungs before transplantation. However, this technique has recently advanced into a model to emulate lung mechanics and physiology during injury...