In this paper, a wave-wave interaction model is proposed considering coupled Schrdinger-Korteweg-de Vries (or Sch-KdV) equation with appropriate initial values. The model is described with the help of Variational Iteration Method (VIM) and Adomian's Decomposition Method (ADM). The exact and num...
We investigate the ability of a 1D fully nonlinear Boussinesq model including breaking to reproduce surf zone waves in terms of wave height and nonlinear intraphase properties such as asymmetry and skewness. An alternative approach for wave-breaking parameterization including roller effects through diffusi...
To make things easier, we have presented five engaging ways to teach the wave model of light. So, let’s unveil the mystery of light waves in a way that is enlightening, engaging, and relatable. 1. Engage Students with Interactive Models Since light has a wave nature, it is hard for ...
Even so, soliton, solitary wave, kink, lump, and interaction type solutions are a very important feature for modeling physical interpretation that can be obtained by special traveling waves. One of the above-mentioned evolution-type equations is a 4th order nonlinear mixed-derivative wave equation ...
Shock waves have been proposed in the literature as a mechanism for retinal damage induced by ultra-short laser pulses. For a spherical absorber, we derive a set of linear equations describing the propagation of pressure waves. We show that the formation of shock fronts is due to the form of...
The proportion of the incident wave transmitted is shown to decrease as incident wave steepness increases, and to be at its minimum for an incident wavelength equal to the floe length. Further, a trend is noted for transmission to decrease as the mean wave height in the overwash region ...
Calibration of a wave model involves “random errors”, such as deviations from the site measurements due to the dependency of components (i.e wave heights, wave period) on wave spectrum and solutions applied [7,26,18,35]. While alterations are usually not major, they are affected pending ...
Here, we present a new 3D shear-wave velocity model and Moho topography map for the Tyrrhenian basin and its margins using ambient noise cross-correlations. We apply a self-parameterized Bayesian inversion of Rayleigh group and phase velocity dispersions to estimate the lateral variation of shear...
In a widely used model, they are propagated by a reaction–diffusion cycle in which calcium ions diffuse along the outside of endoplasmic reticula and induce their own release from calsequestrin or calreticulin molecules stored within the reticulum's lumen. Here we propose a new tandem wave model...
We propose a model for the leading wave of tsunamis to explain why although the coastal manifestation of a tsunami is assumed solitary-wave-like it is most often accompanied by a shoreline which recedes first before advancing up the beach, suggesting a leading-depression N-wave. Far field, we...