Ruo-Shan Tseng, Rui-Hsiang Wu, Chai-Cheng Huang (2000), "Model Study of a shoreline wave power system", Ocean Engineering, 27, pp.801-8021.R.-S. Tseng, R.-H. Wu, and C.-C. Huang, "Model study of a shoreline wave-power system," Ocean Engineering, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. ...
A simple life-cycle method for predicting extreme shoreline erosion The dynamical responses of a shoreline over long-term (years or decades) is a non-linear and time-dependent random process. It is affected by both longshor... P Dong,H Chen - 《Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessm...
The water strider group demonstrates a very complex dynamics consisting of competition for the food items, territoriality and aggression to the conspecific individuals, escaping from the predators, etc. The situation is even more complex due to the prese
The installation of wave energy extractors on constructed breakwaters along a coastline will meet the: climate and energy, and resilient infrastructure themes of the WPSP [1]. The breakwater will perform its main task in the protection of the shoreline from erosion and will perform as the strong...
Research interest in the Kinki region, southwestern Japan, has been aroused by the frequent occurrence of microearthquake activity that do not always coincide with documented active fault locations. Previous studies in the Kinki region focused mainly on
but a recent study found that even with the current mix of global energy sources, EVs entire lifecycle still causes fewer emissions than gas-powered cars in 95 percent of the world. And since renewable energy isestimated to be cheaperthan even natural gas by 2025, the day when EVs can trul...
Short-term shoreline recession is often caused by storms wave, which can create significant beach erosion causing adverse effect to the communities and the infrastructure nearshore. Along a coastline, beaches are often the first line to defence nearshore from the adverse effects. Post storm, beach ...
This differential pressure drives an airflow across an air turbine which, in turn, provides mechanical power to a rotating generator. The rigid hull can be fixed to the shoreline or the seabed or, like in the case considered in this paper, it can be floating and restrained by compliant ...
In this study, we construct an OS-PolSAR dataset based on the OS information from worldwide marine areas from 2017 to 2022, including significant shipping lanes and ports, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Red Sea, the Black Sea, and the Port of Lagos. The location and timing information ...
The validation study was conducted on the Lake Dąbie in Poland and demonstrated that the integration of the above-mentioned methods enables the generation of a bathymetric model shallow waterbody model with an accuracy of 3 cm (RMS). Nikolakopoulos et al. [6] used UAVs and USVs to map ...